i loves me kitty

Oct 20, 2006 12:52

OKAY SO my cat got an ovarianhysterectomy 2 days ago. she is great...finnaly. she has a sonoma now on her stiches but i still lover lumpy and all.
why is this in italics. i am such a gay.
anyways, my other kitten has to get his little nutters removed soon.
great. more monies.
i hate money. but i love my job. and i love my 500 paychecks every 2 weeks. that really makes me happy. really it does. its depressing that my last paycheck went to cat surgery.
hahaha. my life rocks
tonight. my grandma is here, and i bought her a purse. it was expensive and pretty.
huzzah hurrah.
i really miss minjoo. i wish she never left here. freakin abandoned lumber mill hangouts.
i wish it tobe put to death.
lukes stupid mom let my kitten who just had surgery outside because she is a complete fucking idiot its not even an outdoor cat, but regardless the poor thing was clawing at the front door this morning.
and her nose is missing hair from trying to open the door.
might i add it was raining and only 4 degrees outside.
i hate her sometimes. she ruins my day alot.
:( IM going to drink my chocolate milks.
and bathe my guinea pigs. 
my dog hates them.
really badly.
they squeal when they see her.,
my guinea pig is fatter than my cat.
why am i bablling.
this is my brain.
la fin.
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