Some links about the LJ Outage

Aug 02, 2011 22:06

I was asked for some links, and I don't recall if I have posted any of these before, but I'm going to post some here, given that we just had a major outage. This is what we are putting up with outages for.

A simple summary in the NY Times from April

A summary from April in Moscow News

and now for some information about the very likely target of these attacks. His name is Alexey Navalny. Yeah, it's odd, but in a way, they are taking down millions of people to get at one man. Sort of. That is he has encouraged other people to do things as well, so he's more than just one man now, but it's mainly about him. That's kind of weird. But he is a very fascinating person. Read about him...

An in-depth interview that discusses his life and work. I do not know how reliable the source is, but it is utterly fascinating.

A short bit of interview with him about Russia

And Wikipedia -

It's so hard to judge what is going on in a country I've never been that primarily uses a language I can't read or speak. But it looks like he's risking his life for a good cause. LiveJournal users are risking outages. Admittedly, he chose this and LJ users didn't really. But still, that seems to be the issue. And I'm glad LJ is staying on the side of freedom of speech here. LJ and Navalny are the underdogs, but I do prefer that people be allowed to speak and that issues be discussed. I just hope LJ can keep weathering the outages.

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