So, according to the most recent LJ news post, "As for product coverage, that continues to be our top priority.". I'm not sure what this means, and I have asked for clarification. It reads like, advertising means more to us than anything else. I have trouble believing they would actually state this publicly. It seems possible that they feel this way, but it's not the sort of thing one generally says because of how horrific it is. I will wait to see what they say.
However, they said it within the context of posting irrelevant stuff to the news community and then stating they will not use lj-cut tags (even before posting pictures) because they want to make sure people see the content. The problem with this is mainly that it's in the LJ News community. The news community is the one that every single LJ user is supposed to read, because if anything truly important happens, that is where it gets posted. That's where big changes and important info goes. And now they're drowning it out with things that are completely irrelevant. So, the only place for vital signal is now also supposed to be the place for weekly random unimportant stuff. This makes it very hard to keep up with important signal and means if you care about doing so, you have to get spammed. I do not like my options.
This is a bit like your teacher having an email list you need to be on to get your homework assignment and sending weekly forwards of funny stuff he happened to see around the internet to that email list and sometimes sticking a homework assignment somewhere among the list of jokes.
People complained that the pictures weren't cut, so the response was we won't be using lj-cut tags at all for a month to make sure you see these things. So, it's a bit like complaining to your teacher that you signed up to study Physics and aren't actually interested in reading a list of random jokes (even if some of them are funny) and him responding with: Just for that I'm putting some of the jokes on the test!
I've seen LJ do a lot of things, but honestly, this shocks me. I think it's likely a portion of LJ with too much power and too little brains, and I'm hoping that some other portion of LJ smacks that bit of LJ responsible for this and fixes it. Meanwhile, I wait and see how they respond and if they really do continue with their threats to drown out their channel for important communication.
There was a time when I loved this place. But then, there was a time when I trusted the intentions of the people running it.
The news post in question. Apparently one commenter had phobia issues from the picture of an insect. There is a picture of an insect in the post. I'm glad I, at least, don't need to choose between info + phobias or no info.
I really hope they fix this. Past patterns for LJ is they mess up horrendously stupidly. Users complain a lot. They apologize, and they do at least something to fix it. Given that this is a response to complaints by telling users they will be more annoying, I worry that they are breaking their pattern. But it's not too late for them to decide that being obnoxious is a bad course. And maybe they'll go back to the tried and true, oh yeah, we were idiots, we'll do things a bit differently method.