On the up side, doctors are getting close to actually having a cause for CFS/CFIDS/ME and then they will have ideas about treatments that might really help.
On the down side... I may be contagious. How contagious is unclear. How it's spread is unclear. And it doesn't usually follow patterns of contagion. The people who have been around me a lot are fine. This is the usual pattern. But the cause appears to be a contagious virus. This is a bit worrisome to me and possibly those who are close to me. But this is very promising for potential treatments and the hope of a vaccine someday.
Of course, even if this is the case, it is possible what I have isn't actually this. But CFS (by any name) is the known described illness that best fits my symptoms of all of the ones I've looked over.
Two articles:
The IndependentNY Times Op-Ed I really wonder what my life would be like had I not become so ill. But I did gain experiences from the way my life has gone. Still, I'd rather we just find a way to cure this and stop others from having it.