This and That

Jan 26, 2007 15:27

gameboyguy13 our microwave was on GMT because, of all things, there happened to be a power failure at just the right time for it to be accurate to within 2 minutes, but off by just right to be on GMT. How weird is that?

This article about the TV show Dungeons and Dragons is a bit disturbing. Read it to get to the part about the bit required to be in the show by people who want TV shows to portray the "virtues" that they value.

I watched DnD whenever I could, pretty much, as a kid, which wasn't that often. For some reason I can't quite recall, I often had to watch it on the TV that was usually used as the computer monitor. It was on at the same time as Lost World (I think that was its name) and my brother preferred that show. I do not think any insidious messages it had worked very much on me. Although, in retrospect, it's somewhat funny that I had to go against someone else's preference to watch it.

Oh and finally, this amuses me - not enough to buy it, but it amuses me.

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