Title:Detention with Destiny
Author: leopion
Character(s): Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Mystery, Suspense
Timeline: Year 7, HBP-Compliant until the Astronomy-Tower scene
Rating: MT
Warnings: Mild Violence, Psychological Trauma, Strong Profanity
Disclaimer: I do not own nor claim the Harry Potter series, which belongs to J. K. Rowling.
Summary: When the Head Boy and Girl’s failure to cooperate leads to severe consequences, they end up in a detention with the Headmaster himself.
Also archived on:
Hawthorn & Vine,
Granger Enchanted,
The Manor,
AO3, and
AN: After much procrastination, I’m finally posting this. This story was originally written for the tenth
dmhgficexchange: Darkest before the Dawn. I have revised it a bit before archiving, but it mostly concerns with wording and clarity. The plot and events are essentially the same.
I want to thank my three wonderful betas,
dormiensa ,
elizpeace and
mccargi. I can’t possibly list all the amazing stuffs that you’ve done for me, but I must say that I’m so lucky to have you guys.
Another thank you goes to
silviaelisa , who has constantly kept me sane with her mostly non-related emails and tweets.
I also want to thank
wake_the_dragon for the great prompt and thank the mods at
dmhgficexchange, for being awesomely understanding throughout my creation of this story.
Last but not least, a big thank you to all of my reviewers at the exchange for the valuable feedback for me to improve the story further and the wondermous encouragement (that has prompted me to start with a sequel :D).
Detention with Destiny - Table of Contents
Detention with Destiny - Chapter 1
Detention with Destiny - Chapter 2
Detention with Destiny - Chapter 3
Detention with Destiny - Chapter 4 Detention with Destiny - Chapter 5 Detention with Destiny - Chapter 6 Original Request:
Would you prefer an art or fic gift? Fic.
Preferred rating: Pg-13
Describe what you'd like in as few words/keywords as possible: Draco and Hermione are forced to spend time together to learn to get along as Head Boy and Girl.
Optional: Song, Poem, or Quote (title/original creator): N/A.
Dealbreakers (absolute no-no's): Non-con, dub-con, abusive behavior