... wondering. Too much on my mind, too much has been happening the past few days. I try hard to understand why people can be so stupid, spiteful, and damned mean. Especially when it's a member of your own family.
I'm crying to. Just because I've been due for a good, long, hard cry. But crying is good for you. It's a release when nothing else helps or matters. Don't ever be ashamed to cry.
Try to smile more often. Smiling releases chemicals that make the body feel good, make you happy. I need smiles right now.
ultimustelum helped to give me a smile. With the away message that was left up. I will share it now so everyone who bothers to read these ramblings will have smiles too:
"You are now under Away Message. You have the right to remain silent. If you choose to give up that right, anything you sent can be used against you by the Recipient. You have the right to have Spell Check anytime during typing. If you don't have one, one will be provided to you by America Online at no cost to you. Do you understand your rights?"
As my saying goes.... time mends, hope gives strength, and faith heals. Time.