Rainy Day Running

Jun 03, 2003 00:14

I woke up early in the morning after I'd fallen asleep on the floor in my room. Got up and loaded and turned on the dishwasher and tossed towels in to dry and folded some others. Mom got up, unsure if she was going to work or not because her back had gone out. Well, she finally decided she would, and I eventually crawled back in to bed for a little bit.

Got up again and got ready and dressed and did a few more chores and animal tending, and then I started getting items together for people so they could be mailed. It was overcast and the wind was picking up, and the air smelled of rain. I didn't think much of it, since the sun kept peeking out. So I finally get ready to step outside. I had something that I was going to test to see if it was weather proof. And I got the perfect chance as the moment I got the stuff loaded into the truck, it began raining. Needless to say, part of what I had and intended to send wasn't weather proof.

So I decided to run to Super Wal-Mart. Had to pick up stuff. I got new contact case and I got stuff that hopefully solved the not weather proof problem, as what I bought today clearly states it is for outdoor use. So we shall see!

Anyway I was heading out to Wal-Mart and I hadn't gotten as far as Front St when the rain came down in SHEETS. And the roads started flooding. By the time I made it to West Hall and crossed the tracks and headed down past Chamale Cove, it was raining so hard you could hardly see the road, much less the cars in front of you. And this is in residential places with trees, mind you. So here we're all creeping at like 15mph or so. And the water was collecting on the side of the road faster than it could drain off.

I turned down a side street to by-pass school traffic, and I felt like I was in a damned boat more than my truck! But it was kinda fun by that point because I was the only one on that road save a van that went speeding past spraying water everywhere. I eventually made it to Super Wal-Mart, and by the time I pulled into the lot, the rain clouds were creeping over it, and they were DARK and there was lightning like crazy. So I ran inside to get the things I needed. While there, there was a sudden heavy noise on the roof, and you could hear people muttering around the store. The rain had made it over there.

Not only that, but the power actually went off! It was amusing to hear all the people in half panic and surprise wondering what had happened. And by the time I got ready to leave, here I figure I was going to get soaked.. within a few minutes time, it had ceased to the point of a very mild drizzle.

So after that I got back home as quick as I could. Called Miss Hilda at Postal Plus and told her I was on my way, but was afraid I wasn't going to make it before they closed. But I was halfway there and told her so. But between flooded streets and traffic, it was icky. She said she'd stay open for me. Well, here I come down West Hall... and what do I see? A car accident totally blocking the road, oi. Finally managed to get past that, and had to stop back at home.

Got what I needed and darted to Postal Plus. And all of the packages I said would get mailed today, did indeedly get mailed!

cobaltie - Your glyph pendants are on their way! I wasn't able to get any sealer for them, so you might have to touch the paint up a bit. It's normal acrylic like you find for $0.88 at Wal-Mart and such. I really hope you like them!

klandagi - Your Old Skool 'tallica CD is on its way, along with that little something special I promised! And as I mentioned above, this one claimed it was for outdoor use, so lets cross our fingers!

mrrranda - Your waspy nests are safely packaged and on their happy way as well. We did our best to put lots of padding in with them, so hopefully they'll all make it there safe and sound! I am REALLY wanting to see the finished piece! I told Miss Hilda if she came across any wasp nests to let me know and save them, and I'll keep my eyes peeled for as long as you need more. Just let me know.

So with that done, I came back home and went back to getting some more chores done. Watched Stargate SG-1 and had cold pineapple and ham pizza. YUM. Then I made some coffee and settle back down to sit and listen to the rain and thunder and watch the flashes of lightning. So beautiful.

blashamma, I would have come over today to put the mole on one of the ant beds, but with it raining so hard I just knew Gause was going to flood badly and I figure the rain would defeat the purpose anyway. So maybe tomorrow or the next day!

Happy slightly belated Birthday to nocky! I meant to try and get this posted sooner. Hope you had a good one!

On another little side note, I took the three neurotic female mice back to the petstore and got three VERY pregger females. They are without a doubt about ready to drop their litters. They're all PEWs, and they are SO much more docile and curious than those three I had. Which is a good thing. All the other critters are doing real well. Really need to trim Ozzy's claws. And get him some waxworms!

Hmm. Then some sorta bad stuff that happened. Mike called early this morning saying he was on the way to the hospital and I totally freaked wondering why. His mother works for the NYCTA and is a conductor for the trains. Well, apparently some coward ran up as the train was pulling out of the station and punched her right in the face!! I think it shocked the hell out of her more than anything, and he didn't get her as good as supposedly some others have recently got hit. But it hurt, and it made her have an asthma attack. Mike wanted to go after the guy and beat the shit out of him, but couldn't get off the train because the doors were closed and keyed out, and he didn't want to leave his mother. She's going to be okay, thankfully. She might have a mild concussion. She's going to the doctor tomorrow to find out. Supposedly a handful of other conductors have been attached in the same damned fashion. When the train is pulling out of the station after they close the doors and call for the all clear and look both ways down the track, the guy appears out of nowhere and nails them. Always in the same fashion, always women. It's been happening at the Canal Street stop, bwarrgh. Just last Friday his mother's friend had her nose broke. I'd SO like to get my hands on this asshole and let him kiss the third rail. Anyone wanna go on a manhunt?

That's about all for right now. Off I go to listen to the storm and ponder and seek a little humor.

dead things, animals, weather, general, tv shows

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