I'm feeling better now than I was earlier. Forgive that last post of mine. Had a lot going on today, and the end of the day just turned a bit sour for various reasons and things said. But then there were some apologies and all was well. And no, those apologies did not come from the family member I mentioned, nor do I ever expect any. Two different situations, just to clarify for those who may have been wondering. I had a good hard cry and snarled and yowled and ripped up some boxes and other random items and felt a lot better for it.
Now for the happy. Lots of people have asked about seeing Rudy, and today I stepped outside to take pictures of turtle shell and Mr. Rudy happened to be out and came right over to me with happy wiggling tail. I was so thrilled to see him outside and moving okay, save for a bit of wobble in his left hind leg. I went back inside and got him the steak bit scraps I had been saving for him when he felt better.
So finally here are some pictures of the wonderful lovey Rudy, and the turtle shell I was given.
Happy Rudy eatin steakbits! For people who know him, he had a LOT more weight to him before he got so sick. He was cute and rolly polly. Have to fatten him up again!
Rudy sitting with what's left of the steakbits
Looooove that Rudy face!