Well today was rather fun filled. I woke up feeling rather crappy from hacking phlegm all night, ewww. Narsty icky coldies. So anyway, I worked on fixing up my room more and did some reading.
Then I got in touch with
blashamma and we went and had roaming spree. He is working on making a fountain for prom. So we went to Hobby Lobby to price supplies. While there I found some simply awesome beads and got ideas cooking. So he tells me to buy them. But I don't have the money. So he tells me to buy them anyway and buys them for me! That was so sweet, zankooooo. The candy was sweet too!
So then we went by Delta Pets. He wanted to get me twitchy bearded dragon tooo. Liberate the dragon! I could probably get another one too, this one in particular, but as with Ozzy, buying the first line of fixtures and tank furnishings, is rather expensive. But if you do it all right the first time you save money in the long run. I just hope whoever does end up with this baby dragon treats it right and takes good care of it.
So anyway, the day before all this mom and I had gone in to Delta and gotten pinkies for the snakes and for Ozzy, and I also went ahead and bought a new tank for the snakes. It's a 29gal compared to the 10gal they had. Bwahaha, so much space they don't know what to do with themselves. But I need to get some branches and stuff for them or something. It's so empty!
Seeeee, new tank So they is happy. Watched The Children of Dune and it was very inspiring. I must read the books sometime, yesp! Mrrrph. Does anyone know what happened to Dinotopia series?
Hmm. While sitting and watching the end of the Dune mini-series, I made
THIS with the beads
blashamma bought for meeee!
And that's about that. Besides one other thing.
klandagi toots in amazing ways!