Born In The Wrong Body

Feb 16, 2003 23:48

I sat here this evening dabbling with various things going on in my own life right now, and in the process of which a good friend of mine sparked interest in my wandering mind with a simple comment. I pressed the issue, and learned.

I had feelings about the situation, but now they have been confirmed, and I don't think I could be any happier in the aspect that said friend would feel comfortable enough to tell me the truth. Now I will move on to what is resting on my mind.

I have many friends who claim they were born in the wrong bodies. Transsexuals. Now some people might gasp in shock and frown upon me for associating with such 'freaks' as 'normal' people might term them. And you know what I say to that? I could care less what insensitive assholes like that think.

The main reason being that these people, no matter what the color of their skin, no matter what sex they were born as, no matter what their ethnic background or religious orientation or lack thereof, no matter their sexual preferences, they are one and all my FRIENDS. In my eyes a friend is a person that you care for, through thick and thin and are always there for, to offer support when you can. Not just support, but companionship. Humor. A smile. A hug. A swift kick in the ass when they need a reality check. A friend, someone who really cares about you. Who loves and respects you for who and what you are, not one that tries to mold you into what they want you to be, or who shuns you for the things you might lack, the differences you might have. True friends don't do that.

I am a very, very open minded person. I am accepting of a LOT that most other people might find uncomfortable or not normal or natural. I have to be, simply for being what I am. And that's part of my other point.

Friends of mine claim to be born in the wrong body. They think perhaps they should have been born as a member of the opposite sex. So what's wrong with that? Nothing. I think I should have been born as a wild creature. So what's the difference? None really. While there is a very vast difference between transsexuals and Therianthropes in the light that one thing has to do with sexual orientations while the other has to do with spiritual, etc., we claim the same thing. Born in the wrong body. In that line of thinking, I believe that people need to be a lot more accepting. Live and let live. We are the way we are, period. No one can force us to change. Deep down inside us we will always remain this way, and we shouldn't be forced to hide our true natures or feel guilty for being different from the majority of the populace.

People are just fooling themselves. I can say with some certainty that there are a LOT of people that you meet in every day society, passing them on the street, watching as they bag your groceries, glancing at them stopped next to you at the red light.... how much are you willing to wager that a lot of these seemingly 'normal' people have things in their lives that other people might find strange and unacceptable, that others would frown upon... and fearing that sort of reaction and segregation they suppress it. They hide.

It is a crying shame. Life shouldn't have to be that way. It's a bitch enough as it is, without having to carry a shame and guilt around like that, when there's nothing wrong with it to begin with. So for all you friends of mine out there who experience this, know you have my support and can talk to me about it any time. I won't shun you or turn you away. Hell, I have some things of my own that I know people would perhaps be appalled by if they knew. As for the nasty people out there who are so judgmental and narrow minded and prejudiced even though they'd swear up down, left and right that they are not?

Fuck them. They don't matter.


open mindedness, thoughtful, animal people, introspective, spiritual, therianthropy

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