Winter drama season has started! And obviously, I'm so exicted!!! I've been waiting for "Bartender" and Aiba Masaki as well. ^^ Although I fell behind and not finished with watching some drama from the previous season yet, but I'll be blogging about that separately sometimes. (: (It's not like I don't have the time to watch, I'm just too lazy. xDDD)
Yeah~ Bartender 'll start soon, so I was trying to search for anime version and get it. And when I finished watching, I kind of really don't like this version because it's too boring. >< (different to the manga one, I absolutely love manga version. ^^)
By the way, I saw the preview for the drama and first of all, orz..... KYAAAAAA!!!!~ Second, I thought Aiba-chan looks good, cool and super hot. >~< And it seems to be interesting!!!!!!! >////<