(no subject)

May 25, 2005 12:34

I should clear up what's going on in the world of Leon Scott.
The truth of the matter is, I am done with wrestling, more than likely permanently. I am not going to call it a retirement, because I don't want to be pretentious. I haven't been particularly thrilled with wrestling for some time, and it has interfered with alot of plans that I have had for myself. As much as I love being in the ring, the dedication that I have for wrestling and all the bullshit that comes with it interferes with too much of the rest of my life to consider coming back. In the two months since we last did a show, it has been incredibly satisfying to get up late on a Sat, go shopping, or go out and eat at one of the many select restaurants that we use to frequent before wrestling took over and financially drained everything. Most people likely didn't notice, because I was never a top tier guy, but Tiziana and I were very very active, we worked just about every promotion in all of Florida at some point and were in the top promotions in the state on every one of their shows. We had travelled out of state regularly, we worked every weekend sometimes pulling double and triple shots, we would go months without time any time off. As anyone can tell you, that makes it very hard to have time for anything else, and I have plans to become something more reliable than a pro wrestler for a living. That's going to take alot of time and dedication. Another truth is that I never was able to perform at the level that I wanted to, I always had great ideas, I just wasn't able to pull them off consistently, I also suffered from the duality of trying to work a 50hour a week job, and go to school, while trying to figure out ways to train in a ring so I could improve. I wanted to be able to not just work a crowd into a frenzy, hating my guts, but to put on the caliber matches that impressed the kind of people that read this message board, and the promoters who would push me and help me ascend to the next level. Simply put, it wasn't meant to be, and I have come to terms with that. I was never really good with dealing with the bullshit that comes with pro wrestling, all the politics and back stabbing, all the fake ass smiles and liars, and it feels alot better to be able to go a week without lying to someone somewhere about something. I will miss some of the great people I did meet in this business, and I am sorry to those who I was friends with and I turned you into enemies, because of the way the business works. For a guy who supposedly sucked, I got to do alot of great things in this business and I got to entertain some people with our crazy antics, I got to meet some of my heros and work in front of great crowds, and I learned alot about myself and about life, but the time has come for us to step away and work on our real life.
I would like to take the time to thank individually a few people(this might take awhile):

Mister Saint Laurent:
Despite what alot of people might think, you are a true friend to me. I am sorry that we fought. I am even more sorry for why we fought. I took my disappointment as a worker, and turned it into a distrust for you, mixed with jealousy. Truthfully, you helped me out alot, and opened alot of doors that some people thought I didn't deserved to have opened. I thank you for that.

Rey Ayala:
I know you don't read this board, and don't even have a role in pro-wrestling anymore, but you taught me so much that I am thankful for, I learned so much more than about working a ring, I got an appreciation about the science of wrestling and about dealing with people in the right way. Thank you for helping me to get a repuation as a smart and professional individual, by teaching me how to act in the lockerroom. You trained me how to work a ring and never asked for a dime in return, which is uncommon to say the least.

Dagon Briggs:
What can I say about Dagon that hasn't already been said, you are fuckin awesome. I don't even think you realize how awesome you are. You taught me so much in our lengthy and wide spread feud that I can't ever thank you enough. You brought me up to a new level, and any match I ever had that was decent, in my eyes I had you to thank for it. I don't know if I will ever work another match, but if it was a chance to work you again, I would probably take it without question, we never had a bad match and the two best matches I probably ever had were against you. Thanks for the great memories and for helping me out. Alot of guys would have and did complain about working with me or against me, but you never bitched. You were a pro and you helped make me a better worker. You are also one of the few people that I trust in this business, and you are a great friend.

Sean Davis:
Plain and simple, you are not only one of nicest guys I have ever met, you are a man of honor. Honor is the most rare thing to find in pro wrestling. You are a great performer and you took every chance to help us out wherever you have gone, and you always have us in mind when oppurtunities come up. I appreciate your help through personal issues too, you are a great friend to me, and someone I will remain friends with no matter what I get into. I am thankful most for that.

I can't believe that after the first indy show I went to in Florida had you on it and my boys and I marked for you, that we would become such close friends. I have enjoyed every time we worked eachother, and enjoyed even more all the times we travelled together. I miss the days when we worked together at Accent, that was so much fun. Thanks for the memories and for being there for me through thick and thin, thanks also for calling me at 4 am and leaving 30min Dusty Rhodes impressions on my voicemail.

Ricky Romeo:
Thanks for being the fattest cruiserweight since Josh Rich. Just kidding buddy, we always had a good time travelling and working together, and making trouble wherever we went. Thanks for the ill fated feud we had and the time you almost popped my ear drum from your ridiculous forearm shots. Just kidding again. Keep in touch. No not that kind you fuckin mexican.

Vordell Walker
I was one of the first guys to work you in Florida, and you made an impression on me not just as a great fucking worker, but a great person. You are as honest and true as anyone I have ever met in any aspect of life, and I am always happy to hear of your continued success. Thank you for giving me faith that there are good people in the business. Thank you also for emailing me about our departure and the kind words. Also thanks once again for handing Rick Steiner his ass.

You helped me get work when I first started, and put me on my first real show, thanks for helping me out and getting us on so many places.

Ari Goldstein:
I know I constantly gave you a hard time, but you helped give us a start and used us every single show(the most recent show in Altamonte was the first show in since October 02 that I was not on). Thank you for the oppurtunity.

Ron Neimi and Aaron Royal:
Thank you for the oppurtunity to work for you and to be part of the roster, it was a great time.

Josh Rich:
You were my first......feud. From then until we started tagging, I got to know you and you are a cool motherfucker. Thanks for making me laugh and talking to me about the nerd shit that I like which I try to keep secret.

For the message board people,

Mike WG:
You have always been one of my biggest supporters, thanks for all the words of encouragement, and compliments, public and privately.

Will Rivera:
Thank you for reviewing Florida pro wrestling, your reviews for shows are the best reviews available, as they're are supportive and critical in a constructive manner. You have helped us and others in perfecting what we do, by letting us know what works and what doesn't with the fans with your well detailed reports.

Thanks for coming on to me alot of times when I was wrestling and calling me hot, although it was pretty gay, it somehow inspired me. Wait, what the fuck...

Thanks for supporting me and putting in a good word about my work. It was always fun making fun of whoever whenever we travelled all over Florida.I leave you with this.... I believe that your girlfriend is real.

Thanks for complimenting my work and telling me that you thought I sucked until you saw that NGW match. That meant alot more to me than you might have thought.

Thanks for making that sign that one time for me, I marked out for that forever. Thanks alot for the cookies that one time, they were the only good part of an otherwise shitty evening, plus they were really good fuckin cookies.

In closing I just want to say that I am sure there is alot more people I am forgetting of course. I will continue to hang around here shooting the shit while I am at work. I do want to say thanks to all the fans who come out period, thanks for yelling at me, throwing bottles at me, trying to fight me and calling my girlfriend and myself various names. Thank you for letting me live out a dream that I had since I was 4 years old. It was a great dream that unfortunately turned into a nightmare, but I have awoken, and it's a new day, and I am happy.

Much Love,
Leon Scott
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