Продолжается наше сотрудничество с телеканалом СТС, начавшееся в 2008 году нашей совместной экспедицией в Краснодарском крае. В 2009 году благодаря Наталье Зиминой, Владимиру Комарову, информационному отделу посольства Египта, многих других людей, помогающих в организации съемок - мы первые русские из небольшого числа людей, получивших разрешение и совершивших погружение на Александрийском маяке - 7-мом чуде света по древнегреческой версии.
В 2010 году мы взяли интервью у Эмада Халила, руководителя египетско-французских подводных раскопок на этом уникальном подводном археологическом объекте.
Русская версия статьи в журнале "Предельная глубина".
Leonid Gavrilov: Doctor Khalil, please tell about Alexandria lighthouse, how did you find it in 1991?
Emad Khalil. : Actually it was 1994, but of course we looked at the site before. We knew from previous documents, from Egypt history, from sport diver, from early documents in 20 century about something that there are some underwater archeology in this area. But none started in detail it before. So in 1994 group of specialists emerged and started its project to explore all the remain in this area.
L: Was it initiated by community, by public organization (as it says in internet people of Alexandria sounds alert of placing consort) or was it initiated by government?
E.K.: No, it was initiated by the French Centre of Alexandrian studies, directed by the French professor Jean-Yves Empereur
L: Who was initiated the search as a personal, or a coordinator, head of a project?
E.K.: The idea started because government, Egypt government wanted to protect area around fortress near the city. And there was a construction plan for placing block of concrete in the water to prevent damage from waves, and protect citizen and ground and underwater heritage near fortress. So, before placing blocks in the water, we want to make sure that there is nothing underneath the blocks that could be damaged by this. So this is how the started the project.
L: I will insist once more - because it is very interesting to know the name do unnamed hero who was initiate this careful idea of look underwater before placing blocks, or was it idea ha come out from many people in one moment?
E.K.: Please understand - people knew that underwater archeology things is placed at that place - but no one realized how much and how big they are. People see 2-3 statues, but without digging and look specialist at this place.
L: And one can imagine how much archeology artifact down there?
E.K. : Absolutely - nobody see or think about. Group started with mostly French group with few specialists of Egyptian archeologists, someone from government, some archeologists from University, group of volunteers and me.
L: Who was you at this moment?
E.K. I was just a diver-specialist to this moment and was asked by French specialist to be involved in process.
L: You was a diver to this moment?
E.K. Yes. I was many years diver to this moment.
L: When you started to dive?
E.K.: I started diving in 1987
L When you understand that site near fortress o fKateBay is really Lighthouse place? On which day of expedition?
E.K.: We started April 1994. It was 24 of April as i recall it.. It was the first season only. And in the first day, at the frist dive we found may be 6 or 7 statues including huge one which is stand in fro of Alexandria. During next dives we found hundreds of columns, blocks and statues.
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