Ok, a summary of what I haven't posted in, like, over a year...
Moved to Connecticut to live with Brian.
Got engaged in February '07.
Set the date for September 6, 2008.
We're going to Hawaii for our wedding and honeymoon.
The airfare, wedding planners, hotel, luau for that night are all booked.
Got my dress, from Target, for under $100. See it here:
http://www.target.com/Isaac-Mizrahi-Target-Silk-Dress/dp/B000M4XSSU/qid=1210623843/ref=br_1_6/602-0388279-5112661?ie=UTF8&node=162738011&frombrowse=1&pricerange=&index=target&field-browse=162738011&rank=salesrank&rh=&page=6 And, oh yeah, in a STRANGE twist of fate, our most recent ex's are dating each other...