[fic] grey magic [5/?]

Jan 09, 2015 17:31

Title: Grey Magic
Rating: T/PG
Summary: As a Slytherin Arizona Robbins knows that her crush on a Gryffindor has every chance of causing problems. But with the Triwizard Tournament again at Hogwarts and mysterious things seeming to seek out Alex Karev, her best friend, the Romeo and Juliet thing she has going with Callie Torres is the least of her issues.
{Grey's Hogwarts AU} The gang's all here, somewhere, but the focus is going to be Callie/Arizona.

“Do you have the -?”  The book was sliding across the table toward her before the question was out of Callie's mouth and she smiled across at Arizona.  “Thank you.”  A foot bumped hers under their book bound table and Arizona leaned forward.

“Have you seen -?”  Her fingers trailed lightly across the back of Callie's hand as she reached for the portion of the page where the spell she wanted to show her resided.

Alex seemed to be noisy on purpose as he rounded the end of the row nearest their secluded table and Arizona leaned back with a reluctant sigh as her best friend plopped his book down on top of hers.  “Check it out.”  He ignored his own untimely interruption and pointed at the book's binding in dismay.  “Someone tore pages out of here.”

“Fascinating,” Arizona grumbled dryly, slumping back into her own seat.  Really, so much more interesting than taking advantage of their out of the way table to steal closer to Callie.

Callie smirked, knowing what was on her mind, and managed to look slightly more interested in that fact.  “Weird.  You better hope Pince doesn't think you did that to one of her books.”

He shrugged, a frown on his brow as he leaned forward to look more closely at the damaged text.  “I found it like this in the stacks, just laying on the ground.”

“What is it?” Arizona asked, distracted by her own note taking.

Alex flipped back to the table of contents.  “Looks like... transporting, teleportation spells, maybe?”

One of Callie's brows rose.  “Like apparating?  Wouldn't that be pretty simple?”

“Unless you're here,” noted Arizona without looking up from her own work.  Alex and Callie were both frowning when she looked up, exchanging considering glances.  “What?” she asked, confused by the sudden silence.

“Someone's trying to get into Hogwarts?  That's not possible, right?” Callie questioned.

“That's what they thought in Harry Potter's day,” countered Alex seriously.

Arizona interjected, “Hey, okay, whoa!  What are you two talking about?  Why would someone want to sneak into the school?”

They just looked at each other and then back at her.  “The tournament seems like the obvious answer,” Alex said slowly, as if she were being obtuse.

“They wouldn't -”

“That's what they thought before -” Alex argued before the protest was even out of her mouth.

“Hey,” Callie stepped in prior to their voices rising.  “We're freaking ourselves out.  That's it.  Things aren't like that anymore, not like they were then.”  She mustered a smile, forced a laugh.  “Some pages are missing out of a book.  It's probably some overzealous first years.  Or a Durmstang who can't bother with the checking the book out.  Yeah?  We're being crazy.”  Her head cocked toward the chair beside her.  “Can you come here and show me that spell?” she asked, her smile becoming genuine as she directed it at Arizona.

The Slytherin was out of her seat with a popping burst of energy, around the table with a grin.  Alex took her abandoned chair with a good natured grunt.  He was surprisingly tolerant of his best friend's more than occasional absence from the Great Hall for dinner, Callie's addition to their studying in the library Arizona's unspoken compromise for splitting her time.

Spending time with Callie since their date was complicated, a tricky balancing act, but entirely necessary.  The first date had not been a fluke, not the result of wind and rain and the dark lake.  Those ingredients were no one's idea of a great date, but their second had been no less perfect for the sunshine and breeze that carried their conversation across the hills they'd found themselves wandering through.

Dinner in the castle felt impossible, even if a few weeks of distance from the incident with Brooks at the Goblet had made the suspicious whispers fade to the background as names were pulled and the Quidditch season started.  On their own Arizona and Alex just weren't enough to keep the school's interest.  Not this year.  Arizona wasn't convinced that the status quo wouldn't change, and fast, if she took a seat at the Gryffindor table, or if Callie sat down at her table.  So their time together was mostly spent in the library if it was too cloudy, cold, or wet to be outside.

It only felt like hiding when she was back in the Slytherin basement alone at the end of the day.  She hadn't found the nerve to ask Callie exactly what she thought about their pseudo clandestine relationship.

“Hey, so about this weekend -”  Callie spoke up as if Arizona's musings had been spoken aloud.  Adding to the numerous distractions this term this weekend was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year.

“Oh, well -”

Callie kept speaking without hearing Arizona's quiet protest, “I was thinking we could leave after breakfast so you don't have to get up early, Karev.”

The two Slytherins blinked at each other in clear surprise.  “You want to go together?” Arizona asked.

Alex added, “With me?  Robbins, since when did you go that way?”

“Shut up,” barked Arizona sharply.  “Callie -”

Callie blinked then, expression confused and heading toward the hurt end of the emotional spectrum.  “You don't want to go?”  The 'with me' was unspoken but still stung.  Without a word Alex stood up and disappeared into the surrounding books again.

“Callie, stop!  Whatever you're thinking, just stop.  I just figured that -” she sighed, eyes dropping to the tabletop.  “We don't go out.  That's all.”  She felt guilty just saying it.  Callie's eyes narrowed in thought.  “We don't eat together in the Hall, we eat out by the lake or walk around the grounds.  And don't get me wrong, I love it, and you're amazing, but I just, I didn't think you'd want to -”

“Be out?” Callie questioned, her tone sharp.

“Not like that!  Be seen with me!”  Arizona's voice was too loud and someone beyond their row hushed them.

Arizona took a shaky breath in preparation for making her case but Callie didn't give her the moment to start.  “No, you're going to listen to me now.  You like talking, making speeches, I've noticed.”  She smiled helplessly and Arizona reciprocated, looking strained by the effort of holding her tongue.  “But right now you're going to stay quiet and listen to me.  You got me?”

“Got it,” she said meekly, poking her tongue out and making a show of biting down on it lightly when she got a pointed glance from Callie.

“Okay, good,” said Callie with a smile.  Leaning forward she slipped a hand over to cover Arizona's.  “You're this badass Slytherin, I know.  But I also know you.  Or I'm starting to.  And I want to learn more.”  She smiled patiently and the corners of Arizona's lips quirked up.  “So that means that in addition to going to the lake and studying in the library, that I want to go to Hogsmeade with you, and hang out with your friends.”

“You already know Alex,” murmured Arizona, cheeks going slightly pink as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Hush, I'm still talking,” Callie reminded her.  “My point is that I don't care who knows that you're my girlfriend.  I want to brag about you to my friends and kind of secretly pull for Slytherin when you're not playing us.”  Arizona grinned.  “I don't care what anyone says, Arizona.  That's what I'm mostly trying to say.  Because no matter how you want the rest of the school to see you, you're letting me see someone else and I really, really like her,” Callie confessed with a shy smile, eyes dropping to their joined hands when Arizona squeezed her fingers lightly.

The silence that fell after she stopped talking felt nervous for only a second, until a smile was growing across Arizona's mouth.  “I'm your girlfriend?”

Callie blinked, grinning.  “Yeah,” she confirmed as though it should be obvious.  “So are we going to the village or what?”

Nodding, Arizona brought the hand she was holding to her mouth.  “I would love that.  Under one condition.”  Callie's eyebrow arched in question, the smile not wavering.  “It's a date.  Just you and me.  Alex is on his own.”

“I can deal with that.”  Callie licked her lips as Arizona's mouth brushed the back of her hand.  “So now the question becomes, do we eat breakfast at school or in the village?”

Arizona gave it only a second of consideration.  “In the village.”  Any time with Callie that she could get out from under the scrutiny of their peers, she wanted it.  “I know a few places.”  It would be an earlier start than most of their classmates but for once it wasn't calculated.  She just wanted more time with Callie, as much as she could have.

“Great.”  Callie beamed.  “So I'll meet you -”

“By the front doors,” Arizona cut her off in a rush.  Callie waiting anywhere around the Slytherin common room was good for neither of them.

Callie nodded slowly, brows dropping only slightly.  It wasn't hard to figure out Arizona's concern there.  “What time should we meet?”

“Whenever you want,” promised Arizona eagerly.

Callie's smile was back.  “Well, do you want to sleep in?”

“I don't really do that,” said Arizona with an almost sheepish smile.

“So eight thirty would be okay?”


The day itself was pretty perfect as well, crisp but not cold, cloudy but still bright when Callie left the castle to find Arizona already waiting for her on the path.  The Slytherin had a black and green beanie pulled down over her hair, braided pigtails falling to either shoulder.  “You been waiting long?” asked Callie as she joined her, one hand reaching naturally for Arizona's.

“Not at all.”  Her fingers were cold enough that Callie might have argued but Arizona was facing her suddenly and going up on her toes for a less than quick kiss of greeting.  Callie's free hand caught the dark gray sweater at her waist and Arizona rocked closer, smiling into the kiss as Callie's lips pulled on hers.  “Mmh, good morning,” she hummed as she settled back on her heels.  “You ready to go?”

Nodding, Callie swung their joined hands.  “Let's go.”

The village was sleepy and quiet, the shopkeepers still opening up as they meandered through the streets.  No one looked at them twice for being a Gryffindor and a Slytherin.  They escaped notice entirely, as a matter of fact.  Not that it was something Arizona was noticing.  Her attention was entirely wrapped up in her date.  Calliope Torres was amazing - funny and smart, utterly charming, completely entrancing.  They split a short stack for breakfast, Callie laughing loudly at her when syrup dripped from her fork and rolled down her chin.  Arizona was helpless to do more than grin as she licked the sweetness from the tip of her finger, drinking in the dancing light in Callie's mocha and cinnamon eyes.

The late morning was warmer as they left the small cafe they'd ducked into, more people on the streets than there had been earlier but Callie paid them no notice, engaged in a story about her sister Aria's first experience with Floo powder and how it had gone hilariously wrong.

“Hey, Cal!”

Arizona's shoulders went tight but Callie simply turned to greet Meredith Grey with a smile.  “Hey!”

Meredith's gaze flicked to Arizona and the Slytherin mustered a forced smile.  “Morning,” she mumbled.

“Have you seen Cristina?” Meredith asked Callie, though not before she took note of their joined hands.  Fumbling, Arizona released Callie's fingers to fidget with her hat, pulling it off her head and stuffing it in her pocket only to pull it out again and tug it back on, down over her ears.

Callie's sideways glance was confused, hurt, but Arizona pretended to window shop so she wouldn't have to see it.  “Um, no, sorry.  We were having breakfast.  You guys didn't walk down together?”  Meredith shook her head, her feet shifting.  Her head turned to deliberately send hair across her eyes and Callie's gaze narrowed at her best friend.  “Oh, what did you do?  You two aren't fighting, are you?”

“No!” yelped Meredith quickly, looking around the crowded street.  Her gaze caught black hair and her ears went pink.  “I might have... missed breakfast.  I was hoping she'd already be here.”

Callie's brow arched as she turned her head to spot Derek Shepherd crossing the street with Mark Sloan.  “Oh, you missed breakfast, huh?”  She grinned and Meredith swatted her arm.  “I gotcha.”

“Oh shut up!  You're not helping, so I'm going to go.”  Meredith spared a glance for a still patiently ignoring them Arizona.  “Have a good time, okay?”

“Yeah, like you did,” teased Callie right back as her friend left them to hurry up the sidewalk after the older Ravenclaw boy.  Her tone was sharper when she addressed her date.  “You can look at me now.”

Arizona jumped, guilty.  “I didn't know that she, that anyone knew about -”

“You didn't think my best friend knows who I'm dating?” asked Callie incredulously.  “Seriously?”  Arizona could only shuffle her feet, pushing her hat around again on top of her head.  “Okay, you know that this is crap, right?  If you want to go out with me then we're going to be out, Arizona.  You said you thought I wouldn't want to be seen with you, but you're the one who hid.”  She sighed when Arizona merely glanced at her, couldn't meet her eyes.  “I can't do this.  I won't.  If you want to be with me then you have to be with me in front of my friends, our classmates, and the rest of the school.”

Callie was going to walk away. She was screwing this up.  It would be better for Callie if she just let her out of this now, without fighting, before anyone got hurt.  “Can you just - I need a minute, okay?”  Callie's arms were crossed but Arizona didn't let herself look away again.  She wanted to be selfish with Callie.  “This is all just - weird to me.  Can you get that?”

Softening, Callie let out another deep breath.  “I understand, Arizona.  But I need you to understand that being with you, I want to be with you in front of my friends too.”

Arizona nodded, determinately taking her hand down to keep from playing restlessly with her hat.  “This is stupid.  You and -”

“Nope,” Callie denied before it was even out of her mouth.  “You don't get to decide who I date.  I want to date you.  If that's not what you want then say it.  But no one gets to tell me that you and I are a bad idea.”  Her gaze locked on blue irises and her expression softened further when Arizona finally mustered a weak smile.  “Not even you.”  Arizona nodded sheepishly.  “Okay, now if I try and hold your hand are you going to run back to the castle?”

“No,” murmured the rebuked Slytherin.  “Just don't give up on me,” she requested, reaching for Callie's hand and squeezing.  Her date promptly upped the contact, pulling her in to sling an arm over her shoulder and kissing the side of her face briefly before letting her go again just as quickly.

Callie smirked to herself as Arizona blushed, biting back a smile.  “Where should we go next?” she asked happily.  Meredith was chasing Derek and Cristina had her big yen for Hunt.  Why should it have to be so complicated just because the girl she happened to like was in Slytherin?  It was idiotic as far as she was concerned.

“Um, the Quidditch shop?” Arizona spoke up in a squeak, clearing her throat and going red again when Callie laughed.

The bell over the door tinkled as they came in but they drew no notice, even though there were more than a few Hogwarts students in the store.  They were just two more teens.  Arizona let herself breathe deep and caught Callie's sideways smile before reaching for her hand again to loop their fingers.

The Three Broomsticks was more crowded still, all of the tables already occupied by their classmates.  “Callie, over here!”  It was Meredith again, packed around a table with Cristina, Derek, Owen, Teddy, Mark, and Lexie.

“What do you think?” asked Callie, cocking an eyebrow at Arizona.  Determined to show Callie that she had heard her today and that she was willing to try, Arizona squeezed her hand and nodded.  “We'll just stay for a minute,” she promised under her breath, pulling her toward the crowded table.

Lexie was leaving as Callie steered herself and Arizona in their direction.  “Hey, Lexie, wait,” Callie tried to stop her but the younger girl waved her off and disappeared into the crush of people.

“Just let her go,” Meredith advised her, shooting a sharp look at Mark, who shrugged and tried to look innocent.

Callie's eyes rolled as she took the now vacant place beside him.  “Seriously?  She's -”

“Not that much younger than us!”

“Mer's sister,” Callie finished emphatically.  “And a kid, so leave her alone!”  Arizona was still standing beside the table awkwardly and Callie pushed at Mark's shoulder with one arm.  “Move over.”

His expression dropped into a frown.  “Why?”

“So Arizona can sit down,” chimed in Meredith from the other side of the circle.

Everyone was looking at her, Derek with a small smile of greeting, Cristina impassive and unreadable, Owen stern.  She was pretty sure his face just normally looked like that though.  Teddy's smile appeared to be genuine and she yanked on Mark's other arm forcefully.  “Don't be a jerk,” she said shortly.  “Hey, Arizona.”

“Hi,” Arizona muttered, stubbornly not letting her head drop and shoulders slump.

“Are you two having a good day?” asked Teddy kindly.

“Yeah,” Arizona spoke up to answer.  She wasn't going to shrink in her seat and give Callie any reason to regret bringing her around her friends.  “We are.”

“Are you ready for your game?” asked Cristina, the Ravenclaw team having lost their season opener to the Gryffindors.

Arizona nodded but Mark was the one who spoke up, “Oh please.  Like anybody needs talent to beat the powderpuffs.”

“We're ready to beat you, too,” Arizona said coolly, without missing a beat, while the others stared between her and Mark.  One hand found Callie's leg and squeezed gently.  “I'll go get us some drinks.  What would you like?”

“Butterbeer, please.”

“You got it.”  With a shadow of her usual perky smile, Arizona pecked Callie's lips lightly and hopped to her feet.  “Be right back.”  The heated discussion started practically as soon as Arizona was gone from the table but she deliberately didn't listen to it, weaving through the crowd to the bartop and, spotting Alex, squeezed between two stools to lean on the counter and wait for service.

“Looks like you're having a blast,” he noted dryly.

“Oh yeah.”  She snaked her arm over his to steal his glass.  He stole it back after a sip and she sighed.  “I mean, we were.  Could I get two butterbeers?  Thank you,” she requested when the bartender passed them.  “We have to kill Gryffindor next month.”

Alex smirked, taking a glance over his shoulder at the table his friend had fled.  “We'll get them,” he promised, his elbow knocking against hers.  “Heads up.”

Arizona had only just started to turn and Callie was there.  “Oh hey, I was coming back.”  Behind her their glasses were set on the bar and she handed over the coins to pay for them.

“We're not going back over there,” Callie said matter of factly.  “Mark's an ass.”  She laughed when Alex hid an agreement in his glass.  “I'm spending today with you, not Mark.”

“They're your friends.  And I can take it,” Arizona tried to object.  She wouldn't hate not seeing Mark Sloan again but she wouldn't be the reason Callie couldn't spend time with her friends.

“You don't have to take anything from him, or anyone,” Callie denied her, shaking her head.  “Alex, how's it going today?”

He shrugged, rolling the last of his drink around the bottom of his glass.  “Not too bad.”  He drained it and stood up.  “I think I might go back to the castle and use the pitch for a while since most everybody is here.”

“That's a good idea.  Think we could join you?”

“Callie -”

“Sure, Torres.”  His grin was a friendly challenge.  “I won't go easy on you just because you're Robbins' girl.”

She matched him with a smirk of her own.  “Bring it, Karev.  We'll finish our drinks and meet you up there.  You can get warmed up to get your ass kicked.”  Alex winked at her and Callie couldn't help a chuckle.  “I like the sound of that,” she noted softly as he walked away.

“What?” asked Arizona, levering herself onto her friend's empty stool.

Callie didn't sit but stepped in close beside Arizona.  “Robbins' girl,” she hummed warmly, reaching out to take her glass.

Arizona smiled happily, pleased by the answer.  “You know we don't have to go play if you don't want to,” she offered.

“What makes you think I wouldn't want to play?  You think I can't handle you and Karev?” Callie teased, pressing in close against Arizona's side to reach for her glass.  “Anything you want to do, Arizona.  This is our day.”

“You don't want to spend our day with Alex.”

Callie shrugged, utterly nonchalant.  “You put up with two minutes of Sloan, so I think I owe you a few hours of Alex time.”

Blue eyes rolled in the direction of the table they'd left.  Everyone was looking in their direction.  “Yeah, why do you hang out with that tool?”

“He's not always like that.”  The fact was that Mark could be a good guy but he could also, and more frequently, be an unbearable jerk.  She could handle cocky, confident Mark on the pitch but it didn't really translate well to social situations where he was an asshole to her girlfriend.

“You weren't dating me before now.”

“Us dating is not an excuse for him to talk to you like he did.  Now, why are we still talking about Mark?  I think maybe you're afraid to play against me now that we're together.”  Arizona's head snapped up, her eyes bright and playful.  “That's why you're making excuses.”

Arizona's laugh was catching, bringing a smile to Callie's face.  “Okay, you're going to be sorry you said that.  Finish your drink and it's on.”

In spite of the jokes they both lingered over their glasses and didn't hurry back up to the castle, splitting up only to get their brooms and change clothes.  Arizona was already in the air when Callie arrived, dodging bludgers and passing a quaffle between herself and Alex.  Callie was in time to block Alex's shot on the goal but had to duck a bludger for her trouble.

“You two aren't afraid I'll learn your secrets?” asked Callie with a grin.

The two Slytherins exchanged smirks, Arizona doing a quick loop and laughing from upside down when Callie's grip tightened on her broom in reflex.  “It can only make it more interesting to play you,” she reasoned happily, teasing.  Getting to know Callie was certainly making her life more interesting.
“Let's see what you've got then,” challenged Callie with an arched brow as Arizona righted herself just in time to miss another bludger.

[fic] grey magic, [tv] grey's anatomy, [fic], [ship] callie/arizona, [au]

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