Tagging Rules

Jul 26, 2010 23:34

Tagging Rules:
I've tried to make tagging as simple as possible, but if you are unsure of which tags to use or have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask!

+ For fanworks: type tags and rating tags are both required. type: rpf and warning tags are required if they apply. genre tags aren't required but are encouraged. I will make you a user tag the first time you post, so please remember to use it for any subsequent posts.

+ For non-fanworks: There are several resource tags and an actor tag for both Eoin and Rupert. There are also tags for discussion, reccing, fic searches, requests, and pimping. Please use whatever applies.

!discussion post
!mod post
!rec post
!search post
!user tag request
actor: eoin macken
actor: rupert young
genre: action/adventure
genre: angst
genre: au (canon)
genre: au (modern)
genre: au (other)
genre: breakup
genre: character study
genre: crack
genre: crossover
genre: drama
genre: established relationship
genre: first time
genre: fluff
genre: future!fic
genre: humour
genre: hurt/comfort
genre: kink (heavy)
genre: kink (light)
genre: mpreg
genre: porn
genre: pre-slash
genre: romance
genre: sexswap/genderbender
pairing: eoin/rupert
rating: g
rating: nc-17
rating: pg
rating: pg-13
rating: r
resources: interview
resources: meta
resources: news
resources: other
resources: screencaps
resources: set report
type: fanart
type: fanfiction
type: fanmix
type: fanvid
type: graphics
type: icons
type: picspam
type: podfic
type: rpf
warning: character death
warning: dub-con
warning: non-con/rape
warning: spoilers
warning: torture

warning: non-con/rape, warning: character death, type: picspam, !request, rating: g, type: fanfiction, !mod post, type: graphics, !pimping, rating: nc-17, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: sexswap/genderbender, pairing: eoin/rupert, rating: pg, type: rpf, rating: pg-13, genre: breakup, genre: angst, resources: interview, type: icons, resources: meta, genre: crossover, type: podfic, actor: rupert young, warning: spoilers, warning: torture, resources: set report, genre: pre-slash, genre: character study, genre: au (modern), type: fanmix, genre: humour, resources: news, type: fanvid, rating: r, !search post, genre: drama, genre: kink (heavy), genre: fluff, genre: first time, actor: eoin macken, genre: future!fic, genre: au (canon), resources: other, genre: crack, resources: screencaps, genre: established relationship, genre: kink (light), !user tag request, warning: dub-con, genre: mpreg, !discussion post, genre: action/adventure, genre: porn, genre: au (other), type: fanart, genre: romance, !rec post

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