Antique video library.

Jan 18, 2007 17:31

For those of you who have followed the immense amount of crap I post, you know well my interjections of video done in pastiche with odd music. I do these with extremely limited resources, on a very nice (but severely scarred) camera I bought eight years ago. I haven't really had the time to do one since I've settled in Los Angeles proper, but I've wanted to. I was going to make one entirely out of still frames, using images as expressionism and metaphorical devices to explain my recent states of mind; a masturbatory project; I might have thrown in some time-lapse scenes of skies in motion, all the while playing "The Other Side of Mt. Heart Attack" by Liars.

Video Rundown:

1 - "New York City" ... A touristy sort of video to three songs, shot in Februrary of 2005 (2 years ago!) during Jean-Claude and Christo's exhibition of The Gates in Central Park. I was only in New York for a few days, and I only took my wartorn camera along on one of them, shooting very little: You'll see a few subway breakdancers, a smeared subway windowscape, various other subway views, The Gates through Central Park (safron and flowing), and a view of the shadow from atop the Empire State Building.

2 - "Video Journal Entry 06-18-04" ... Called "One Boring Day Dream", this is a compilation of footage I took sporadically over a few days in Topeka and Lawrence, Kansas. You'll see me, my best friend Brandon (both of us briefly, calling each other stupid), my old public schools, my [now elderly] dog, Wishbone (mostly running), and my old apartment at Jefferson Commons (now called The Reserve). This is all taken after I changed apartments within the complex -- moving in with friends after my other living situation, across the courtyard, ended in a late-night homocide (a man was shot by an interloper named Lafayette Cosby on the couch in our shared living space). The music (again, three songs) is all by Bob Schneider.

3 - Picture Show - For Jill" ... A montage of still images to Bob Schneider's "Falling in Love with Jill Katowski". I loglined it "Love letters in the age of the Google Image Search." Self-explanatory and only interesting in a treacly, cloying manner, I milked the Google Image Search for all it's worth.

4 - "Kids Will Be Concept Sequence" ... Video taken in Humboldt, Kansas, a moribund village in Southeastern Kansas with a brick high school and a rotted out building. I shot this as a concept sequence for a script I was writing (am writing?) about suicide. Though the quotes are unreadable (mostly), the last quote is Daniel Webster's, and says "There is no refuge from confession but suicide; and suicide is confession." The song used is Mogwai's "Killing All The Flies".

5 - "Video Journal Entry 01-04-06" ... The most recent video I've posted, this is all footage taken shortly after New Year's Day, one year ago. I took a lot of footage around this time, plodding around Hollywood and working part of the time in a flower shop in Chandler, Arizona. The final segement is footage of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (which is mapped after Los Angeles), and my new apartment (in Los Angeles), which I juxtaposed to make up the third part of the "Psyche" model I started with. Like most of my video, the editing of unplanned footage was key, and it is largely improvised.

6 - "Fancy Jasper" ... A mock-European arthouse trailer for a film my friends and I (Brandon, and Karl, who goes by vinylin) never really made. In this small format you can't really tell, but there is a perspective shot of Karl with his mouth open wherein Brandon walks along a path into his gaping maw and disappears. Mostly, this clip is a lot of mock-art ridiculousness.

7 - "Fade." ... A credits mockup for my pilot script, composed entirely of artwork and Photoshopped images from an Hemera library. It really tells you very little about the show, but the song alone conveys a great deal about its overarching themes.

You must have Quicktime to view these clips, but they are reduced greatly in size and quality for faster downloading; I'm no expert at streaming internet video or encoding data for higher quality in more compact files; I did my lackluster best. Below is a link to a brief menu that will let you access everything in my small on-line video clip catalog.

VIDEO MENU: Corey Absher.

Comments welcome.

los angeles, laptop editing, kansas, video menu, arizona, new york city, quicktime, video clips, video library

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