Mar 07, 2012 04:53

Introduction of notions of psychological functions to characterize an individual as well as psychological space allows us to formulate the definition of a psychological system as the object of psychological studies.
Psychological system of an individual is the relatively stable set of his psychological elements - features connected to each other, and oriented in psychological space in a certain way, possessed of distinctive characteristics for each individual while interacting between the latter and other individuals and environment, existed and developed according to definite laws of evolution.

The combination of five from ten possible elements for an individual defines a number N of types of psychological systems

N = 25 = 32.

In addition to Jung typology of personalities the vector of psychological orientation in ХYZL space is four-dimensional or colored, i.e. either belongs to “blue” (from image of “the Bluebeard”) - masculine (M), or “red” - feminine (F) principle (see examples of two dual pairs in Fig. 1).  In fact, by Weininger’s definition (Weininger, 1982) people as per their vital power (libido) comprises actually all spectrum of the rainbow approaching in a varying degree terminal blue and red colors.

Sequence of dominant functions is sure to play an important role: logic-intuitive introvert of masculine type (LIIM, Robespierre - Systematic, Table 1: Table of Psychological systems - L model.) will differ from its dual pair of ethic-sensory extravert of feminine type (ESEF, Madonna - La Giaconda), although both of them are along the rational axis. It means that vector of orientation for personality type is not only colored but it has quite a certain direction of rotation clockwise (R) or counterclockwise (S), if watched from the origin of coordinates where initial non-oriented person is theoretically found. The fifth dimension - chirality has a fundamental mean as well i.e. incompatibility with its mirror image in the same space. Direction of rotation is set by sequence of principal functions, thus right R clockwise orientation in a chosen system of coordinates is typical to LIIM - Robespierre, and left S-configuration is characteristic for ESEF - La Giaconda (Fig.1).

Large absolute vector value characterizes degree of expressiveness or clear character of any personality as compared with other people. Generally, L vector characterizes main orientation only of personality type by dominant functions. More full description was stated to be tensor of personality in five- (or more) dimensional space considering individual peculiarity of a person as personal and collective conscious and unconscious (Jung, 1998)  as well as dynamics of its temporal progress t.

Table 1 presents systematic names of personality types as description of functions, introversion/extraversion, and attribution to either masculine M or feminine F types. It also comprises lettering as abbreviations of four Roman letters, as well as the example of used earlier in literature (Augistinavichute, 1998,  Filatova, 1999),  and new trivial names (Leonard Khalil, 2005).  Every individual takes there own orientation of eigenvector in 5-Dimensional space of features near to orientation of definite typical vector of characteristic personality. Also the own eigenvector has its amplitude in according of own degree of developing in comparing with “ideal” type.

For identification and self-identification of personality types by L model we propose the following dichotomous (dividing) express test based upon V. Meged - A. Ovcharov (Filatova, 1999) digital test (Table 2. Example of express test for determining personality type of psychological system: model L).  Five-unit digital codes (Table 1) are taken from ordinal numbers of answers chosen from test “L model” (digit “0” means answer “ten”). Certainly, the more valid results will be obtained by processing complete tests including 50 or 100 modified questions.

Obviously, the development of psychological system has been proposed to run under the certain rules along with common laws of nature. To study them we have to insert one more conception - the measure of “inertness”.


Assume that common laws of system existing and evolution are quite reasonable for psychological systems. Then the First law of conservation of a psychological system is formulated as follows:

Psychological system remains its stability until it is affected by either external extreme conditions or internal incentive or destructive forces.

The law is true for isolated systems and is observed to a certain extent for open systems where forces of external action are far less intensive than interactions between elements inside the system. This law is also true for systems to be found in inertial psychological space where there are no social or natural disasters and no deep changes in psychological climate.

This law is to be called as law of inertia for psychological system of an individual and psychological space where it is collected is called as inertial frame of reference for psychological systems.  The speed of psychological system motion v will be defined by variation of their L vector at unit time t as a first derivative:

v = dL/dt

The speed v of system variation is a vector value, the orientation of which depends on change of L vector direction.

The measure of inertia is represented by M which let’s call as psychological mass. Then by definition phlegmatic (P) occupy the last quarter in conditional “psychological mass scale”. Due to large psychological mass phlegmatic is not practically reacted to hard blow to him and keeps the balance. Melancholic (M) at third quarter of mass scale is psychologically more sensitive and every strike worries them. More dynamic system has sanguine (S) and the most - choleric (C).  The latter has not only protective reactions but adequate timely decision and response.

The measure of inertia M is a scalar value and has no direction as psychological functions - features.

A reciprocal value of psychological mass reflects an activity A of psychological system:

A = 1/M

The express test for inertness measure defining is suggested in Table 3 (Express test example for defining of measure of inertness of psychological system), as the choice of one answer from four alternate statements affected by hard psychological blow under the conditions of mental psychological experiment. Taking into account the differences in dynamic properties inherent to polar pairs of personalities “choleric- phlegmatic” and “sanguine-melancholic” as well as suggested earlier classification by five psychological features, the total number N of psychological system types aggregates:

N = 25*22= 27 = 128

The full qualifying description of individual types in model L (such as accepted in biology) is represented as follows: Melancholic ethico-sensoric extravert masculine type L. - MESEM, Enthusiast - Washington, who suggested the Constitution for ages.

We represent full Psychological Table with inertness characteristics in literal codes (C, S, M, P at the first position) and in digital code (1-4 at the sixth position) (See Table 4). Thus, the above described two methods of classification are completely mutually complementary. The first five features reflect fundamental psychological functions of individuals and the last, which introduced psychological mass, describes theirs dynamic characteristics or temperament.

Introduction of psychological mass M allows to formulate the Second law of development of psychological system. It is expressed through force (effort) F directed for changing a characteristic of a system comparing with value of effect a made - the variation of speed v of system L.

A value of the a effect made to a psychological system in relative units under certain conditions is in direct dependence to the effect F made, and in inverse dependence direct to a measure of inertness M of the psychological system:

a = dv/dt = d2L/dt2 = k(Li)*F/M.

The value of caused effect a is vector function: it is positive in progress development of system and negative in case of regress. Obviously, this law is also just in inertial system of psychological frame of reference. Coefficient k depends on individual characteristics of personality Li, and is defined by both the type of a system being developed (perceptibility) and the type of developing system (e.g. learning system) or environment.

Nearby in some distance which is called as a distance of psychological comfort within certain period of time the repulsive forces act to be overcome by strong interactions (love, violence, etc.).

The Third law of interaction of psychological systems deals with forces appearing in inertial psychological space under coming into collision of two or more systems, and it is formulated as follows:

Efforts with which psychological systems interact each other in collisions are equal and direct to opposite side

F1,2 = - F2,1.

In election campaign or intruding advertising direct electioneering very often results in directly opposite effects.

The law of attraction of psychological systems describes character of interaction between systems at some distance (weak interactions):

F1,2 = f(L1, L 2) * M1M2/r2

Interacting forces are in direct dependence to measure of inertia of systems and in inverse dependence to a squared distance between systems and depend on their types defined by matrix of intertype interactions f(L1, L 2).

Thus, psychologically strong “biggest” people have greater attractive forces.  Dependence of affection to somebody from distance expressed by proverb: “Out of sight - out of mind”.

At last so called “energetic” of personality E also to be described by following way:

E = e(Li)*Mv2

The energy of psychological system is in direct dependence of measure of theirs inertness M, squared speed of psychological eigenvector movement of system L and depends on energetic characteristics of system described by coefficients e(Li). Stopped in developing personality, going with the tide or person in coma apparently has a minimal energetic power.

Below listed some important consequences are quite obvious from described laws.

Consequence 1. Each individual belongs to only one personality type irrespective of his/her biological sex. Evolving in his/her direction he/she can reach maximum success.

Consequence 2. Social system needs each individual who has proved oneself.

Consequence 3. Each individual keeps his/her psychological orientation until force majeure (discrepancy between personality type and social position taken) leads to inversion of personality type.

Consequence 4. Inverted personality types are unstable psychologically.

Consequence 5. Each individual corresponds to his/her dual couple positioning on the same rational or irrational axis and, who, in his/her turn, is differed by full opposition under 2-5 functions and opposite inertness (H-F, S-M). Dual couple is the most stable psychological system.

Consequence 6. Each individual interrelates individually in full accordance with psychological orientation of other individuals (the so-called inter-type relations of identity, duality, addition, conflict, customer, etc.).

Consequence 7. The psychologically stable active developing individual has a maximum psychological energy.

Proposed laws and conclusions can be surely applied in prediction of behavior of a certain psychological system in this or that situation under any impacts.

In general, psychological system of an individual, including human being, is in full compliance with main laws of nature and within framework of the general system theory. Like every open system it evolves in full conformity with the laws of synergetic obtaining principally new properties while interacting with other systems. At the end of life evolution of a system is described according to the laws of catastrophe theory. Under certain conditions connected with living aspects psychological system may be inverted along one or several axes. However, inverted system will always be excited, and return of previous existence conditions will promote the return of initial condition subject to system reversibility.

Thus, the classification and methods of identification of psychological system have been suggested as well as the main laws of their existing and evolution in inertial psychological frame of references at normal external conditions and in absence of diseases. At the same time, apparently, the laws of psychological system evolution in extreme situations have a very high profile and actual as well the study of genetic laws of psychological features transmission. 

32 psychological system types, the laws of evolution of psychological s, dynamic characteristics – psychological , psychological table, 128 psychological species, psychological space, psychological features, classification of psychological system i

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