Position 2

Oct 04, 2008 23:24

Hello, boys and girls. The name is Morimoto Leona, though you will all refer to me as either Mistress Leona or Leona-sama. Either works just fine.

I would like to gauge something, and I believe one of those "meme" things would be the best way to do so. I'd like to know...just how kinky you all are. For my own reference, of course. That is why I'm going to host the

Brawl Kink Meme

The purpose of this meme will be to request, either anonymously or not, depending on how brave you're feeling, any pairing or group from Brawl and a kink request to go along with it. I then challenge the rest of you dear brawlers to fulfill those requests, be it with artwork or writing. Again, you're free to submit your responses anonymously or not, though I'd really prefer it if you didn't. How can I gauge how fun you are if you're keeping it a secret from me?

Well. Have fun~

edit: A small favor, really. If you fulfill a request, could you put a note in the reply that that's what it is? It'll make archiving this much easier for me if I don't have to wade through hundreds of pointless comments to see if something's been fulfilled.

Yuushi/Kenya - Pink bridal dress.
Dino/Squalo - Foodplay. Pizza. Hair. Pizza hut.
Batman/The Joker - Poker
Gluttony/Envy - OMNOMNOM
Shion/Yoko/Kururu - Boobs
Ed/Luke - Ed gives Luke an actual reason to bitch.
Lelouch/Suzaku - "You spin me right round, baby"
Characters from Yu Gi Oh/Their cards - "I-*wheeze*It's just a card game....*pants*"
Setsuna/Simon - BFF Handshake gone oh, so very wrong.

Greedling/Ed's cock - He wants it all.
Armor!Al/Ed - Even though he no longer had a human body, Al still knew how to make his big brother feel good.
Manabe/Ed - amputee fetish.
Envy/Ed - Tea party gone wrong.
Roy/Ed - The Colonel's desk
Your Mom/Ed - Sex on the kitchen table
ELRICEST. - "N-Nii-san....p-please stop..."
Axel/Envy - hurt/comfort.
Xanxus/Squalo - Playing House
This meme/Ed - Fulfilling prompts.

Pharaoh/Edward - "Vertically Challenged"
Bel/Manabe - Blood fetish.
Ed/Kazu - genderswitch
Yoko/Squalo, guns n' swords.
EdwardElricxLinaInverse - "I want to make a fireball breathing, automail wearing baby with you!~"
KaminaxKittan - "A twisted love filled with manly twists"
Sloth/Ed - Tentacle rape
Kittan's eyebrows/Yoko's manjaw/Kamina's eyelashes.
Emmett/Rosalie - dazzle and bears
Bel/Berith - Princess costume

ooc: kink meme

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