HQ Real Madrid-Deportivo Match Picspam

May 27, 2007 16:34

Oh my God 2 picspams in a row? Wow i'm really asocial these days. Well my exams are coming up and i'm stressed as hell. So i'm trying to rely on subjects that i love these days, just not to feel that pressure. Because when i'm alone with myself, i think, think and think. It feels like my brain's going to explode. That's why i try to keep myself busy with internet, graphics..

Guh i need to get out more these days..I'm addicted to home! It's not healthy, at all.

Anyways, i've been trying to collect most of the pics from Real Madrid-Deportive match, but the internet was a pain in the ass, so it actually took me 1 day to get all. Damn.

Dude and the media sure loves Becks. I mean all i saw was Becks pics! Yes he may be so popular and charismatic but enough with taking pics every 1.2 seconds! lol give other people a chance too :)

Oh man and i have to talk about this, i mean i NEED to. Real won 3-1! Yayy oh guys, you sure know how to please this crazy Madridista! XD I'm so proud of each and everyone of you! You never fail to impress me! And i must say Becks was amazing last night, his performance was great. And oh man my Sergio scored! Dude that was the cherry on top of an amazing game! Ah i was so happy for him, and the somersault? WOW, i love when he does that lol.

Anyways enough ramblings from me, i shall leave you with overdose of Real boys' victory! :D


Oh man, i claimed Sergio at football_100 and i still have no idea how am i going to make 100 icons lol. Oh and if you're a football fan and if you love to make icons, then go and join the community! :D

I hope this picspam will help the ones who claimed Real Madrid at the community ;)

Enjoy the picspam my dearies! :D

*hugs everyone because i feel like it today lol*

football, picspam, real madrid

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