Aug 31, 2007 02:11
Its been awhile since I have posted anywhere. Well, that isn't entirely true if you are from the Facebook crowd and get to see my Hotblog postings. I really only use those to give people really quick snippets about my life. I plan to make more frequent LiveJournal/Note postings now that I am once again back @ school and have net access whenever I so chose to.
Now, granted it has been awhile, so I feel semi-obligated to give a up-date of sorts to all my "friends" out there. Mind you, I use the word "friends" very loosely. Anyway...I am currently at SUNY Albany as I sit at my desk and slave away at this little blog posting. I have been here for little over a week and I already love it here. I have quite a few accepting friends here already which is great for the ol' confidence. For those of you who don't know already, I prefer to be called Alexandra, Alex, or Lexie. Never Kris or Kristofer. No longer Kim, Kimmy, or Kimberly. I know I know, I must make life so difficult for all you hard working people out there.
So far so good as far as people accepting the fact that I am trans up, as I have yet to have any real direct confrontation with anyone here. But, of course, we all know that the majority of all homophobes are cowards and prefer sneaky and back handed tactic as opposed to just going and saying what they mean. I don't plan on jinxing myself though.
As far as classes go, they are awesome. Especially my Gender and Identity in Contemporary Fiction/Film. It is so awesometastic, it will get its own blog posting. Anyway, I am starting to lose my ability to stay awake, so I will leave you for now. Don't worry, I will be back.