May 20, 2005 13:42
well today was interesting i woke up at 5 in the morning and decided to go on a walk then i got back and went to sleep oh and yesterday was fun i went to some animal rehab center and got to touch an emu and a lama that was fun i like lama's and also no one is ever on msn it really is starting to get annoying being the only one in the states and actually keeping up eith m,y end of the deal! ah yes i remember my last day in germany it was tuesday and i caught the shuttle bus from phv to mtv and went to doms house he ( god you just woke up to) of coarse didnt decide to got to school hell works for me then i went to the school and said bye to all my peoples that was depressing and then i came back to doms and chilled out there until the latest bus came god damn that was a depressing moment then later that night my brother showed up at my room ( we each had our own room at guaest housing Fuck Yeah) he had a couple of six packs (Bud Ice) and we chugged em down then the morning of the flight i had the worst fucking hangover imaginable and damn did that plane ride take forever. Why am i saying all this well i miss germany and all my friends here every one is a clone and everyone looks acts and dresses the same its fuckin driving me nuts. The gangsters are all dressed the same and act the same the skater punks all have the exact same hair style, exact same posture it drives me nuts be yourself people. I know that you could go up to my friends and ask what was tj like. the would answer well hes just tj no other way to put it. so people be yuor self you give a flyin fuck if people dont like you hell if they have time to take out of there oh so wonderfunl lfe to judge you then hey guess wht they have no fuckin live. tell then to get a nose job or something or netter yet go ahead and admit that those jeans make them look fat. but come on people be your self i am but it germany people loved me for it. so moral is be you fuckin yippedee do dah self and be happy!
oh god this is probably the most ive ever writen in my journal besides for the whole birthday things