Well...mostly done is pretty spiffy?
Last night I finished all of the main stitching on Keith's tunic. It came out really well (DON'T look at the back!) All that is left is attaching one sleeve (Have to find my black yarn) and doing the seam treatments I am thinking gold. The gores on the sides match the material of the sleeve patches, so it is black and rust. What do people think of gold up the side seams?
So this is the front of the tunic. The Hounds look neat around the neck.
This is a detail of one of the hounds. That was a lot of work, but wow, I like it.
Detail of the second hound.
This is the back neckline.
This is a patch on one sleeve. I am hugely fond of this particular wolf pattern, Downloaded from the Viking Answer Lady's site
Here is the patch for the other sleeve. I need to serge the edges and reattach it. I got the raven from the VAL site also.
The other patterns are from Dover. If luck holds, you will be able to see the finished tunic at Mists Investiture.