I don't particularly like Hillary but not because she's a woman or because of her husband. I don't like her personality (bitch) or the way she carpetbagged to NY to set up a presidential run. Frankly, I'm not real impressed that she didn't divorce Bill's ass over the whole Monica thing. I'm willing to bet that north of 85% of women in America would
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Microsoft is a dead case. While there's a few things the government COULD step in and do (stop the OS bundling limitations in OEM computers; require unlimited installation discs with all OS and application installations), there's really nothing left on this one.
Furthermore, it's a DoJ situation, not the President - the executive branch has already brought MS to trial, and is now out of it.
The DOJ could actually enforce the consent decree imposed on MS for a start. AT&T and Time-Warner have been engaged in all sorts of restraint of trade and anti-competitive practises for a long time. The whole 'net neutrality' issue is one big attempt to squeeze out the last competitors.
Verizon and the other telecoms got BILLIONS in subsidies in return for promises that were never kept.
Ending the Iraq war will not be any messier that pulling out of Vietnam. It's actually pretty simple, we load up all our crap, put it on boats, planes and trucks and roll it the hell out.
Yes, the tax code does need to be totally rewritten.
Even though it is not necessary all that great for me personally, I'd like to see the IRS scrapped and go with the 'Fair Tax' proposal. Reaganomics/Trickle-down is yellow, warm and smells funny.
The so called war on drugs has cost us billions and got us nowhere. Time to admit that the war is lost. If we are going to treat pot as a schedule one drug then both alcohol and tobacco should be as well.
Revocation of corporate personage has the huge of effect of making corporations only have rights that are specifically granted to them rather than have all rights of a person. No more overturning campaign reform on free speech issues. No more, they have the right to trample everything in the pursuit of profit.
I think that considering what Lay, Skilling and others did; Yes, abso-farking-utly they should loose their house and any other personal assets. In fact, I think that what they did should be a life sentence.
Some of those items are under the umbrella of Congress but the Pres. has a huge "Bully Pulpit" to push his/her agenda.
I like the environment but when lawsuits and such prevent any new refineries from being built in the last 25 years. Or no new 3rd or 4th generation nuclear power plants which by the way use neither uranium nor plutonium and can breed their own fuel and recycle their own waste. France gets a sizable chunk of their electricity from nuclear.
The Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything crowd has done a great job of helping to push us in the mess we have now.
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