Update: I'm not going to Israel :(

Jun 19, 2007 19:59

Yeah, turns out that Israeli rules stipulate that a traveler's passport must be valid for six months AFTER the end of your trip to Israel. WTF?!

This is not a normal rule! Other countries do not have this rule! And the airline said that it was my responsibility to have magically known to look for this mysterious rule. No one said a word about it when I bought the ticket. You would think they would give you some warning.

Anyway, I stood at the ticket counter in JFK for half an hour trying to work something out (try to go tommorow and get the passport extended, get on a flight tommorow, etc) to no avail. All the flights are completely booked for the this week, unless I want to pay an extra $2200 or so.

So, I now have a voucher worth $1118.99 (minus a $200 processing or whatever fee) to go anywhere American Airlines flies in the next year.

I will say that I'm a bit despondant at the moment. Just shocked still. Its not that big a deal, I'll get over it. Just has to sink in a bit, I guess.
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