Ya think LOL!!!
Are you a girlie girl or a butch bruiser.
Your Result: Could go either way, what mood takes you.
Slap bang in the middle: Sometimes you prefer the womanly look but not afaid to wear baggy jeans and an old t-shirt with your fav footie team on it! Celeb-a-like: Pink or Debbie Harry
Tomboy all the way!
Ms. Butch for Sure!
Feminine but not as vain as Barbie!
Princess Bloody Barbie!
Are you a girlie girl or a butch bruiser.Make Your Own Quiz Oh I like this one!
Which God or Goddess are you?
Your Result: Hades Greek God of the Underworld
You enjoy judging the good dead from the bad dead and sending them to their appropriate dwellings. You are neither good or evil. You don't mind spending time alone in the dark or away from living people.
Dionsyus Greek God of Wine
Artemis Greek Goddess of the Hunt
Ares Greek God of War
Aphrodite Greek Goddess of Love
Zeus Greek King of the Gods
Which God or Goddess are you?Quizzes for MySpace