Jan 30, 2014 13:07
I'm thinking about starting a professional blog, in part to promote my books & ideas.
This is likely horrible timing. I'm trying to house train a grown monster of a dog. I've got four children five and under, and frankly I'm still open to more. But I'm feeling compelled, despite my husband. I'll try to put it off. Bad timing, as far as I can tell, is just another form of temptation: an attempt to twist an otherwise good thing.
But please wish me well. We've been juicing fruits & vegis to try to keep our spirits & energy up, and while I'm hanging in there for the most part (I've put the dog back into his outside kennel a couple of times out of frustration, admittedly, like RIGHT NOW), I could step it up in the house or SOMETHING. I know I'm spreading myself & my . . . what's the opposite of self? . . . othernesses thin as it is. Sigh.
And you know me. There are other projects on the back burner. But I'm trying to take things one day at a time (to make one deadline, to be better with my kids, to gain perspective on the dog, etc.).
I want to write and develop ideas. And I want to do it continually. A promotional blog seems like the way to do it. I've gotten quiet about my personal life here, but I still want the writing exercise & discipline. Sigh. But I just don't know if this is blind ambition. How in the world do I expect to perpetually find extra time?!
This is not a signing off post, just saying what's on my mind. I wish I were more patient. I wish I were better about cleaning floors. I wish I were better with my kids. I do think for the most part I'm content, but content while juggling . . . how long-lived can that be?