Writing before I do the imploding thingy

Jan 30, 2008 14:12


I've been feeling this for a while now. Like, for the past freaking two years or so. But the feeling would come and go, and it's not anything specific that I hate about my job. It's just that I'm so BORED.

I'm sick of early mornings and filing paperwork and sandwiches for lunch. I hate not having much time for anything during the day, and not wanting to do anything when I get home. I feel like pulling a Sam and just dissappearing one day, road trip with my brother. Minus the gf on the ceiling of course. Or bf, in my case. Even the brother is optional. Unless he was Dean, natch. Or Sam. Or both, why not.

Even crappy motel beds sounds good right now. At least it wouldn't be effing FILING.

Is it any wonder I love that show? Cute guys and the feeling of freedom. Demon hunting aside. Their family is fucked up with serious issues, and MOTEL BEDS, okay. But at least they're not work drones like millions of other idiots, me included. Normal? As if.

I am too sane to go the road trip route, sadly. I don't know how to hustle pool or defend myself from horny bikers. I have an apartment and a cat and I need money for both. Why did I do the adult thing and buy my own place? Harder to just up and travel the world.

What I really need to do is change jobs. There's got to be something I have a passion for, and I will find out what it is and get paid for it. Soon.


Wish me luck.

work, real life

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