First off, Happy Birthday
thought_ribbons &
angelstar182 and Happy Belated Birthday to
xdarkgoddess &
start_screaming! I hope you all have a wonderful birthday and I hope your wishes will came true. :D If I left out anyone, please poke me and I'll post it here ASAP. Merci!
Arizona Trip photos all in works in progress, meaning they are being resized and uploaded. As soon as everything is done, I'll have the belated Arizona Trip entry posted.
Till then, I leave you all w/ a meme taken from
caitlin whilst taking a break from the photo work.
Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it'sinteresting to you, what significance does it have.
One of my favorite female singers, Bjork portrayed in one of my favorite artists', Mark Ryden's, paintings.
Colby looks so orgasmic in this pic! ;)
A screen cap of Derrick Brassard being interviewed by Don Cherry last season. I love how he's licking his lips. RawRrrr...
Brass posing for his post draft pic. He's so cheerful in this pic.
I needed an Anze icon, so I made that one.
I like how Fleur is looking at the camera in this pic.
William Beckett is all around sexy! RawRrrr...
I started to develop a lil crush on him when he played at the World Jrs. When he became Kings property as part of the Avery trade, he grew into me more. When Lewiston made the playoffs and won the Presients Cup, I liked him even more. Thus I needed an icon of him. ^^
This screencap of Amy Lee is beautiful. I really like her voice a lot and Evanescence rocks!
Need I say more? I LUV The Kings!
I love how Geno is so cheerful in this pic! :D
Ironically, I'm using that same pic on this entry. :D :D :D
Speaking of icons...
Do this si vous plait! Merci Beaucoup!