Ice Dogs vs. Gulls Take Deux & The Postgame Skate

Mar 27, 2006 12:16

*Whores Up Her Journal*

Yesterday puckplayer42 and I ended our weekend of fun by going to the Ice Dogs vs. SD Gulls game, since I missed the Ice Doggies oh so much!

The Kings Rule Billboards on the 710 Freeway. There's gotta be at least 3 of them...

Anyways, we got our tix for the game as well as the Player's Awards Banquet for next week.

As for the game... 1st period: Ice Dogs took a 2-0 lead, but they couldn't score on a 4-min. 5 on 3 power play. I was wondering where Christian was, and when I asked around, they told us that he had a broken pinkie. Ouchies. :( We did get distracted by Spike when he and the Gull's mascot were gonna get into a fight. Fun times!

2nd Period: Since we sat behind the goal post and that period was the Gull's zone, I kept taking pix of Michael Mole from Bell's Making the Cut for hockeychix98. The Ice Dogs score 2 more goals, but the Gulls scored on the Power Play. The crowd kept taunting him, calling him Moleeeee...

For hockeychix98

Mole is down...

3rd Period: The Ice Dogs were shut out throughout the 3rd period, missing lots of wonderful power play chances, and the Gulls scored 2 more goals, but Greg Hewitt was spectacular the whole game. The Ice Dogs ended up winning 4-3.

One of few times Jimmy is on the ice...

puckplayer42 petting Spike

Greg, The Tiny Goalie...

Jimmy et Michael

The post game skate was loads of fun. Prior to last night, I have only ice skated once and that was almost 10 years ago (@ Blue Jay-RIP in Lake Arrowhead).

Anyways, I skated all over the place w/o any problems, although my ankles were feeling sore since I was just breaking in my new skates.

I got the Ice Dogs boys to sign a program for wicked_kathy to repay her for the Gui Latendresse photocopies. Jimmy was the first one to sign and personalize the program. He forgot to add the "h" so he squeezed it in.

As the night went by, I was getting autos from a handful of Ice Dogs players as well as getting pix. Like Tip A King, we went around asking a select few Ice Dogs players what music they were into so that we can make mixed cds for them. Unlike the Kings, the Ice Dogs had way better taste in music. Jimmy is into punk rock especially Pennywise & NOFX. I almost flashed Jimmy when I showed him my Scary Kids Scaring Kids shirt under my jersey. Steeve likes Fall Out Boy & The Academy Is... Christian took the cake because he pretty much likes all the stuff we are into. In fact, we had a long convo. on music, and how he went to Warped Tour in Canada as well as planning to go to the Taste of Chaos tour. In addition to the hard stuff he's into, he likes Simple Plan. This is one of many reasons why Christian Larrivee fucking rocks!!!!!

Speaking of Christian, I asked him how long he'll be out, and he mentioned that he'll find out when he sees the doctor tomorrow. I hope his pinky feels mucho better.

We also had another long convo. with Greg Hewitt. He's a very nice guy.

Some of the other players commented on puckplayer42's skates and pink laces while Lucas Lawson commented on my tiny purple sharpie (so far 3 bands [Hidden In Plain View, The Academy Is... & Scary Kids Scaring Kids] & 2 hockey teams [Kings & Ice Dogs] have used it).

Sooner or later the players starting leaving the ice and skate session was dying off. So we skated a few more laps before calling it the night.

We stopped by at Coffee Bean in Pasadena before heading home and being spent.

Overall, that was one of the best nights I've had in a while... Much < 333 to the Ice Doggies...

My lame attempt of getting a self pic w/ Jimmy. It was so hard to get that pic since he's so friggin tall (especially w/ skates on) and I'm tiny.

Jimmy & Me-Much Better!

Olivier Michaud

Michael Lambert-He was so drenched from his sweat...

Skating down on professional ice!

I can't believe I'm skating on the same ice Patrik Stefan, Pavel Rosa and many more skated many years back...

Hockey Pimpette At Work... Steeve Villenueve, Me & puckplayer42

Steeve Villenueve

Mac Faulkner, Ben Knopp & David Cousineau

Me, Derick Martin & Laura in the player's bench

Us again

Lucas Lawson

Me, Christian Larrivee & puckplayer42

Christian Larrivee

Greg Hewitt

puckplayer42 & Greg Hewitt

I couldn't resist getting a pic of Michael in his suit. I could see SEX written all over the place. XP RawR! He's such a snazzy dresser.

Now here's how the rest of my week will be...

Monday-Thursday: Classes & new projects as usual. Hockey games on t.v. as well as the QMJHL playoff games via online. Job searching. And me catching up on LJ, Myspace and other stuff (especially friends) since I'm so behind. I may pop in on AIM if I'm completely free.

Friday: Time for myself damnit! Clean, Homework, Job Search, Run Errands, Shop, Work Out if weather permits...

Saturday: Kings vs. Stars game-We plan on meeting Cheryl, another hockey friend of mines from New Jersey. If the Kings choke miserably, we're leaving the game and driving to Long Beach for an Ice Dogs game.

Sunday: Ducks vs. Canucks @ The Pond. tripleicing: I'll give you my e-mail addy when I return from class. I hope to see you at the game. After the game, off to the Ice Dogs' Players' Award Banquet @ San Pedro.

Well, I'm gonna end this now since I need to get ready for class. Till then, have a wonderful day. :D

[Comments Appreciated]

jimmy bonneau, christian larrivee, ice skating, kings rule, long beach ice dogs, spike, greg hewitt, san diego gulls, michael lambert

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