I'm updating in class since my poster assignment is almost done. More than likely I'll be printing and then catching up on friends entries and stuff for the time being. While I update this journal, we're watching music videos in class.
More than likely tonight I won't be online chatting since I'll be working on my typography assignment (I want it inked and everything so by tomorrow I can scan it during class). So if you IM me, but I don't answer back, please don't be mad at me. If you call, but I don't answer back or act rushed if I do answer, please don't get offended. This might be the case for this coming week, prolly until Thursday night or so. Please feel free to IM me or even leave me a message if you want to get a hold of me. I won't get back to you right away, unless I'm anywhere near my computer, but at least I know you're thinking of me... Just giving you all a heads up.
Otherwise, I really didn't do much except go shopping w/ my mom. We were mostly shopping for my parent's supervisor, since her birthday is coming up. I did find some potential props for my Public Service Announcement assignment (I'm doing mines on animal rights/anti-fur). Since I'm already done w/ my first poster, I want to do a couple more poster where one I use fake blood and the other where I use this one fur scarf I saw at Macy's. If the plan works out, I'd buy the fur scarf, take photos of it (sans fake blood obviously), and return the scarf to the store if it's returnable w/ the reciept and everything. We'll see how it goes and if I have time to do it all (I still have my typography assignment to work on which is due on Thursday)...
I'm still contemplating on going to El Segundo on my birthday for the Kings' practice. Hopefully there's one.
Well that's all for not. Just another useless entry. I just thought I'd stop by and wish you all a Happy Halloween. Till then, have fun and have a wonderful day!
leoceanic7's Halloween party:
97lovers dressed as a devil, and it suited them all too well.
__________shh__ didn't dress up, spoilsport.
________stellar dressed as a halfback for the Lions, and it suited them all too well.
____exfirstlove dressed as Mandy Moore.
___heathurr dressed as Kimora Lee Simmons.
___volivito dressed as the Governor of Michigan.
___westbound dressed as a bottle of Remuoid.
__burnthisdisco dressed as Judge Judy Sheindlin riding a rat.
__callnreturn dressed as a 1980's yuppie child.
__swingthefocus dressed as a 1980's yuppie child.
_adorlee dressed as Karl Rove.
_bibacious dressed as Squidward.
_canbarelysmile dressed as a catcher for the Expos.
_little_d_ dressed as your sister, and it suited them disturbingly well.
_londonbreeze dressed as George W. Bush.
_paynomind_ gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as Bruce Springsteen.
_runrabbitrun didn't dress up, spoilsport.
_shesrubbish dressed as a fire.
absenceof_heart dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
ad2002 dressed as Elton John riding a squirrel.
allthatssteph dressed as the love child of Kevin Costner and Vanna White.
andrewkendall dressed as Tonya Harding.
angelstar182 dressed as a new superhero: Silver Racer.
apolkadotskirt dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Smiling Knight.
arielchick dressed as a halfback for the Patriots.
askedfour dressed as a Level 9 barbarian.
astormyday dressed as a character from "The Night of the Hunter".
astrokaz dressed as the Earl of Bilmalaxole, though it looked more like Phil Mickelson.
bckstgattheshow dressed as Tom Cruise.
bedroomeyes__ dressed as something dead, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
beks06 dressed as a skeleton.
boysontheradio dressed as a skeleton.
burelyxthere dressed as the Cardinal of Itantil.
casia dressed as a character from "Donnie Darko".
celticsilver dressed as Daffy Duck.
colorcodedquote dressed as Martina Hingis, and it suited them disturbingly well.
contact_sheet dressed as a eagle, and it suited them all too well.
crazisouperman didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
crucio dressed as the Fair Power Ranger.
cutewhensedated dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Anvil of Cadiz.
daelie dressed as a chicken.
daggett17 dressed as Courtney Love.
dan_libertine dressed as a Care Bear.
dawnygirl dressed as a sub-adjunct software design department manager.
dcscowgirl21 dressed as the Governor of Minnesota.
death_by_vacuum dressed as a jerk, though it looked more like a disturbing self-made character called "Doofus Tofubutt".
discrdthsmessge dressed as the Lord of ChifelVillage.
dressdtodepress dressed as George Bush.
dysphasia dressed as a new superhero: Shatter Master.
emilyisradxcore dressed as Optimus Prime.
emostarlove7 dressed as the main character of "Platoon".
everyclichebest dressed as the Maroon Power Ranger.
fauxcliche dressed as Ozzy Osbourne.
fgrump123 dressed as Chekov from "Star Trek".
flipbear_tywan dressed as a agency.
forcemysmile dressed as the Marquis of Dylan Beach.
friendinquotes dressed as a new superhero: A- Ant, though it looked more like Optimus Prime.
funiculus dressed as Dan Quayle.
furandloathing dressed as a football.
girl_glitter dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Order of the Candle.
gypsy_lane dressed as a laser printer.
hipsandhearts__ dressed as a LUPE Bank employee.
hitthesirens dressed as Worf from "Star Trek".
hockeychix98 dressed as your uncle.
illbesleepingin gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Jeannie.
itcomesnobetter dressed as Kate Moss.
joann__ dressed as Cameron Diaz.
jonniehardcore dressed as Barbra Streisand.
justnothername dressed as Herbert Hoover.
justpunkish didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
kaorirose dressed as Dick Cheney.
karrr dressed as a Amiga Guru Meditation Error, and it suited them disturbingly well.
keywepie dressed as a angel.
killingmoon2 dressed as a second baseman for the Padres.
kinkydork dressed as a reciprocal skeleton.
kitnkat37 dressed as a cup of tea.
kittyketamine42 dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Tracy.
kriscofries dressed as Theodore Roosevelt.
lackofcolour__ dressed as the Lord of Gumville.
leia_elouise dressed as a crispy skeleton.
libertinette dressed as the King of Belgium.
madcaponline dressed as Scotty from "Star Trek".
makeurselfxsick dressed as something furious, but what, specifically, you can't tell, though it looked more like a character from Harry Potter and the Mystic of Albuquerque.
makexitxhappen dressed as Tonya Harding.
markxthegrave dressed as the President of Namibia.
megank_iloveyou dressed as a cat.
melissaagogo dressed as a assistant webmaster.
memoryflatlines dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Zippy Hamsterhumperdinck".
mest_up_kiddo dressed as something strong, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
miss_holly_t dressed as Optimus Prime.
mondayeyes dressed as a beat case.
moonlights dressed as a blanket.
mostly_feedback dressed as a moist skeleton.
neverxhale dressed as Optimus Prime.
notofuckingkay dressed as a associate information technology administrator.
ocean_of_doubt dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Dorkey Stinkertoes".
opnionatdtwinky dressed as a bottle of Glykole.
palexgreenxstar didn't dress up, spoilsport.
penser_a_rien dressed as Regis Philbin's cousin.
prettyrhymes dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Pinky Giggleface".
punkgirl101 dressed as a elk, and it suited them all too well.
r2grv dressed as Maria Sharapova riding a bear.
rebelwannabe29 dressed as the love child of Larry Bird and Kathie Lee Gifford.
redcliches dressed as Maria Sharapova's sister.
rokkie dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Lazy-assed Artist.
rosaferreum dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Meredith.
rozalin dressed as Kurt Cobain.
sidcrosb dressed as a schoolteacher.
sirrie_bro dressed as Bono.
skasmurf dressed as Calvin Coolidge.
soccer_mom56 didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
sourapple722 dressed as a squirrel, though it looked more like John Tyler.
sssick gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as Meg Ryan.
starburst19 dressed as a raccoon.
stellarfuck dressed as a Level 13 wizard.
stolenokisses dressed as the love child of Martin Sheen and Pamela Anderson.
stumpclub dressed as a diplomat from Central African Republic.
subtlyscreaming dressed as a Omahatech employee.
syra1 dressed as Martin Van Buren.
talihina_sky dressed as the Duke of Cordine.
thefinals dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
thepseudofaker dressed as the equator.
this_is_eternal dressed as a ghost.
thisvagabond dressed as a bottle of Zolproid.
tiddlywinks103 dressed as Heidi Klum.
triggerfinger dressed as the Governor of Illinois.
walkaway__ dressed as Kim Possible.
wasting_paint dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
watchmeburnx dressed as a rock frost.
wealldieyoung dressed as a Jennie's Products employee, though it looked more like Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
westcoast__envy dressed as Nicole Richie.
writish303 dressed as your aunt, though it looked more like a ceremony.
xbillyxbobx dressed as a hooker, and it suited them disturbingly well.
xdarkgoddess dressed as a catcher for the Royals.
xhowoldamix dressed as Brad Pitt's uncle.
xsweetxtragedyx dressed as the Boring Power Ranger.
xtakemewithyoux dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Fanatical Lover.
xtina_luvs_sp dressed as a saving germ.
xxnifferxx dressed as Jay Leno.
yourblackdress dressed as Yoda.
zelley dressed as a 1970's disco child.
Throw your own party at the
Created with
phpNonsense Edit: All I've done all day long in class are getting caught up w/ friends entries, wrote 3 entries (this one plus a couple at the L.A. Kings' LJ Communities), sent e-mail to my sister, organized my e-mails, watched music videos (at least they are whole lot better than the ones on MTV and Fuse) and surfed a bit... Isn't that sad?
Edit 2: I don't want to go to my figure drawing class! I just want to go home and sleep and working my typography assignment! Then again who really knows if a HOT male model will show up plus we are learning a new drawing technique thus I can't miss it.