[+] I was on a good habit of posting often...I must be better about it. On that note:
Come on over! [+] A few brief tv thoughts...I'm behind on some stuff...
I feel like...Oliver's decision on whether or not to become Ra's Al Ghul ended too quickly? Like...I don't think I would have loved an extended storyline on that, but by the same token, I thought he would have wrestled it longer? Whatever. I'm not going to cry about a storyline I wasn't all that excited about anyway.
*I still want to get back to Oliver's kid.
For the first time in a very long time, last night, I really felt Roy/Thea. Like, I LOVE the dynamic of exes coming back together, for comfort.
**I would really like a cameo/flashback of Moira and Walter this season.
I'm so obsessed with Laurel Lance. Like, let's examine the way she is fucked up...when Oliver 'died', she started sleeping with Tommy. (Not immediately, I know that.) And now...this 'thing', whatever it is with Nyssa. I love how she ties up grief and sex and turns to (for lack of a better term, because Tommy and Nyssa are both so much more than this) the next best thing, just as a way to hold on for a little while longer. You guys, I am SHIPPING Laurel/Nyssa. I think I might just ship Katie Cassidy with everyone. She has been so delightful this year.
You guys, I really do love this show, but it's kind of feeling like The Originals to me, right now. And new friends, what I mean by that is that I really, really enjoy it but I have a hard time remembering what happened.
I will say this- I get what they were trying to do with the Lena Dunham character, and I get her viewpoint. But I don't agree with what she was trying to do. Yes lady, go on, do what you like, and own it and you have no shame. But this tell-all book? Is basically reverse-slut-shaming the men she had consensual sex with (tm, Olivia Pope). Is it revenge? Is it deserved? Or is it bullying for the sake of bullying? Yes, there's many gender issues in play here, but I just do not agree with it.
And also this- Huck has always (or at least for a very long time) been a very, very, *very* grey character. But I'm wondering if he can at all be saved, and at this point if he is even too far gone. I still find the Huck/Quinn dynamic fascinating and really kind of grossly delicious, but...I guess last night put me more on the fence about him.
As for The Vampire Diaries,
badboy_fangirl, you were right and I was wrong. :)
[+] I've been killing a lot of time on Tumblr lately (username leobrat, if you're interested, but you're not missing much). I somehow wish I was smart enough to patent my own social media platform. Here's what I want: LiveJournal, forever and ever and ever, with that kind of formatting...but, and we are all moaning about it, Tumblr has much more activity. There are *problems* with Tumblr (for Pete's sake people, CUT YOUR SPOILERS) and just randomly searching through tags produces a lot of WTF. But it would be great if there could be some sort of hybrid. One of the things that makes Tumblr more attractive, I believe, is that it's easier to use on a phone. I can scroll through endless gifs and just hit a quick like/heart, but there is no way to have real conversation. I wish there were a way to organize it like an f-list, where each post comes in ONCE, in the order it was posted by date and time, and conversations would filter through comments attached to it. Not the whole text reblogged and flung back and forth over and over. (Though admittedly, I've slid into this habit, because and I always want to be included with the cool kids.)
[+] Ugh, I don't want to go to work. Punch and pie.
[+] ETA: Because what's a Friday, without a List-y, Time Waste-y Meme...
gakked from my new friend
Give me a fandom (or more than one) and I'll tell you:
Character I'd let hang from a cliff
Character I'd frak or make-out with
Character I'd marry
Character I'd wrap a blanket around
5 favorite characters
3 OTPs
Funniest character
Prettiest character
Most bad-ass character
Character I'd like as my BFF