[+] Obligatory Friday morning Reign thoughts...
So, very lucky that this episode was almost *all* Catherine and Mary. (I need an icon of them, very immediately.) They were about 90% of the show, and the rest I did not care for.
Oddly enough, I really liked Lola's gown (the red and black one), but did not like her in it. And Kenna's was maybe the most off-the-wall one she's ever worn (including her mini-nightie from s1).
Mary and Francis's relationship is the worst part of the show (no surprise). I honestly can't tell if the show is intentionally telling the destruction of their marriage or not...but it certainly feels that way.
Oh my gosh, how much I loved Catherine and Mary working together, each having their own tricks up her sleeve, and then palling around, swilling beer and eating chicken wings off the bones with their fingers. Fucking LOVED it. (Are there rules about swearing around here? I know I've been a potty-mouth in the past, forgive me.)
I'm obviously hating the lack of Bash, but just as Francis's political assistant, I can do without that too. So unless he's going to have more of his own storyline, I guess...whatever.
I was liking Lola and Narcisse last week...this week, I'm just kind of cringing over them. I don't, for the life of me, understand his fascination with her. She's such a huge, entitled brat, and I do think that Anna Popplewell is really pretty, but not with that smug puss on her face all the time.
I'm kind of discouraged with the show- not ready to throw in the towel, but the way girl power was addressed last night reminded me of the things I love about this show, and what sets it apart.
[+]I do have thoughts on Arrow, but to quickly sum up:
~I didn't care for this past episode.
~I love everything about Thea and Oliver.
~I fall more in love with Laurel Lance every second.
ETA: I also really want Oliver to baby-sit Sara.
[+] Since Michael takes the car to work more often than I do, and my car is the only place I have an actual cd player, he has listened to 1989 more than I have (and claims that This Love is his favorite). But I had the car today and it gave me a truck load of John/Taylor feelings. (Shocked, you all are!)
[+]A meme to get me through Friday:
Name a character and I will tell you:
* How I feel about this character
* All the people I ship romantically with this character
* My non-romantic OTP for this character
* My unpopular opinion about this character
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
* Something about them I consider true, though it's just head canon/fanon
I feel fat. I need to get back to working out.