We Whisper The Wind And Release It

Apr 22, 2014 08:22

Okay, I'm actually going to attempt an in-depth Star-Crossed post. It's time, ten episodes in. I've got an hour before I have to leave for work, we'll see how far I get.

Still no fandom, still no icons. Let's just look at Aimee in a more adorable time.

It's kind of too bad that Teri is playing such a straight-up villainous character. With Vega being her mother, it makes sense, but it's still too bad. Some of the things on this show are really subtle and great, and some are just really predictable, and it's unfortunate that Teri is one of them. And also, her romantic history with Roman doesn't really make sense. Yeah, they're both really good looking kids, but so different, and Roman seems like he was always much more serious than just going after pretty girls. (And, of course, he was always pining after the six-year-old girl who saved him.)

Emery is getting a little more meat to her- I mean substance. She was really wishy-washy for a while, but stepping in to save Teri, that really took balls, and reigning in Roman...yeah, I'm getting more on board with Emery.

Okay for real, I could watch Aimee and Matt cuddling and kissing and staring at each other for a whole forty-four minutes. They haven't had sex, yeah? I think they'll probably make a big deal about it. (They don't do that much any more, do they?) I know this is terrible for me to say, but Angry Roman is kind of hot. Even so, that was kind of a dangerous message in the end- I was under the influence of BLAHBLAHBLAH, so my actions weren't my own, I didn't mean to, you have to forgive me. It felt a little creepy to me, but she broke up with him, so I feel a little better about it all.

Drake and Taylor get all of the adorable awards. Who knew. I appreciate how Drake still has that sense of loyalty that he doesn't want to betray what was going on with Zoe, and he's just taking it on the chin that he's the bad guy in this situation. And then going wide-eyed when she kissed Sophia. Is this going to be a triangle, for real? That's a pretty delicate storyline, but I'm interested.

*Aimee and Natalie's lipstick is really pretty.

Grayson might be my favorite character on this show, he's the most complex (relative term). But I really like this sort of double agent thing he's got going with Drake (all the boys on this show are just so adorably cute, I want to squish them all). But I'm actually super into his friendship with Taylor- they really do strike me as, like, next-door-neighbors since they were babies.

The Eric/Julia thing came out of nowhere, but they are also winning at being adorable. I'm really kind of confused about it though. He asked her to tutor him and he fixed her car? And now this cool boy at school likes this shy girl that has spent her whole life in a hospital? That's pretty dreamy and A Walk To Remember-esque.

Seriously, I know that this school is busy with aliens integrating into society but how did this science teacher and Mr. Burke get through the doors? He is not a teacher, correct? And he just walks around the school and terrorizes students? Worst school ever.

I would really love to know the name of the song playing in the end, anyone know?

ETA: It's apparently called Walking Blind by Aidan Hawken, and it apparently played over an Elena/Stefan scene. Ring any bells?

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tv discussion, tv: star-crossed, tv: vampire diaries

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