TV! I have fifty-eight minutes until I have to be in work, and I'm sitting at the SBuck's across the street. Let me get through what I can. Hopefully even continuing the
30 Days of OTP's meme (was supposed to make it *easier* to post more often...)
But yeah, I should get to it, because Reign is happening tonight, with Amy Brenneman starring as Marie de Guise, so that's probably going to render me unconscious for a day or two.
[+] Still into Star-Crossed. It's a really neat little show. Everyone's pretty and every boy ever looks at Aimee Teegarden like he wants to nibble at her for hours. Please watch this show.
I was really just flat out aggravated by the Abby arc. I feel like it was pointless, and now with Jess moving in with Nick (not exactly cause-and-effect, but it happened at the same time), I don't know, it seems like unnecessary drama. There's something off about this season. I'm really enjoying Damon Wayans, and I feel like he fits in with the group, so I hate to say it's him, but it feels...crowded. And it all needs more Cece. And much more Cece/Jess.
I'm not really sure why I'm watching this show. It's easy enough filler for me on Tuesday nights, and Michael's actually wicked into it, but we both agree that Klaus is a fucking monster. Sometimes it's more downplayed, and you can kind of enjoy Joseph Morgan's witty delivery, but he's beyond abusive, beyond creepy about his sister's sex life. And I feel like Rebekah's been ret-conned on this show. She's certainly not as bad as Klaus, and she never has been, but I feel like they're trying to make her into Caroline, with her community outreach and sense of home, and I *still* don't believe that Marcel was the love of her life. Elijah's still my favorite (is he everyone's favorite?) but his ridiculous love for his family just...I know you can't always explain family loyalty, but gosh, how has he not thrown in the towel already?
[+] I don't know what to say about Arrow 2.15: The Promise, because other people are probably all going to say it a lot better than I will, but shit that was intense. And I am bouncing in my seat for the Crixus/Naevia reunion. If anyone sees anything, any interview from Manu about working with Cynthia again, or anything at all, please link me?
Okay, let's try to bang out a little bit more of that meme...
*possible triggers in this video
Click to view
They're ba-ack. Every time I think about signing up for a bigbang (
heroinebigbang is guaging interest, btw), I usually start with Kristina Davis. These two idiots, let me tell you. You have never in your life seen a boy so completely lose his shit over a girl. She terrified him. She loved him so fiercely and probably would have thrown herself in front of a bus for him (I wrote a line very close to that in
9 Crimes.) I know I just mentioned them in the Day 04 category, but really these two were crazy, out of their mind, soulmates. It's always these two. I've got two big, never ending universes in my head for them. There's 9 Crimes, and then there's the
Into the Mystic universe, and so many AU's and continuations of each. Any time I start planning some sort of alternate GH in my head, it always starts with Kristina. What can this girl not do! They work perfectly into any AU, in fact- I've been throwing around this idea of a Nashville AU for them, where they are struggling songwriters (John/Taylor, much?), and definitely any historical AU. In fact, with their physicality and especially his devotion to her, Bash and Mary really remind me of E/K. (Yes, Renaissance AU would be *divine*.) Anyway. In conclusion, Kristina Big Bangs forever.
Day 01 - OTP Because OTP (Because Who Would Even Argue)
Eric/Tami (Friday Night Lights)Day 02 - Current OTP
Emery/Roman (Star-Crossed)Day 03 - OTP That Started Your Fannish Journey
Veronica/Weevil (Veronica Mars)Day 04 - OT3+
Ethan/Kristina/Johnny (General HospitalDay 05 - OTP For Whom You Never Seem To Run Out Of Inspiration Ethan/Kristina (General Hospital)
Day 06 - Crossover OTP
Day 07 - Real People OTP
Day 08 - OTP That Has Put You Through The Ringer
Day 09 - Endgame OTP
Day 10 - NonCanon OTP
Day 11 - Guilty Pleasure OTP
Day 12 - Out Of Your Comfort Zone OTP
Day 13 - Star Crossed OTP
Day 14 - Childhood OTP (Before You Knew What Shipping Was)
Day 15 - Fluffy OTP
Day 16 - Angstiest OTP
Day 17 - Hardcore/Kickass OTP
Day 18 - Sexiest OTP
Day 19 - Not Necessarily Romantic OTP
Day 20 - Best Kiss/Best Kissers
Day 21 - Movie OTP
Day 22 - Book OTP
Day 23 - OTP That You Grew To Love
Day 24 - You're Standing Alone With This OTP (You Don't Care)
Day 25 - Bad Timing OTP
Day 26 - OTP That You Relate To The Most
Day 27 - OTP That You Always Forget To Talk About
Day 28 - OTP With The Best Canon Story
Day 29 - OTP For Whom You Have The Most Head Canon
Day 30 - OTP of OTP's
I'm going to try to be better about keeping up with this! And please, join in!