Happy New Year, my lovelies! I had a few drinks last night and a great time (and might have a little crush on a bad news boy, but I think it's going to be harmless) and we made turkey dinner today and I played with my nephews and I'm feeling a little disembodied at this point (hangovers are tough in your 30's!) but it's all worth the fun.
I've decided to participate in
snowflake challenge (@ dreamwidth), despite not having a dreamwidth account, so I hope I don't forget to check it every day. Anywhoozers, day 1...
Day 1
In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
I both did and did not write much this year. I posted very few fics, but I did actually do a lot of writing, even if it wasn't posted, and I completed two Big Bangs (and NaNo 2011), so in place of the usual Year End Fic meme I normally do, I'm going to talk about those two fics.
Come Away To The Water (for
heroinebigbang/Naevia, Spartacus) I'm very proud of this story. In hindsight, I do see some warts and some things I could have done differently, but I really did write the whole story as I saw it in my head, everything I wanted it to be. It ate my brain over the winter/spring (and I was totally awash in Spartacus emotions anyway). The summary tagline was Naevia was born, and then lived her whole life and I really feel like I accomplished that.
9 Crimes (for
het-bigbang/Ethan, Kristina & Johnny, General Hospital) I liked this story very much, and I pretty much wrote all of it in two days, which is kind of an unheard-of pace for me. I hate the title, but titles are my Achilles heel and the song is really the completely true to the story, so there it stays. It just poured out of me, and I am so entrenched on these three being the OT3 of my heart. There is a whole universe in my mind, and years of history after the fact that I want to get to some day, but at least I've got this here.
And, since Yuletide was revealed today...
Enceinte (for
yuletide/Evie & Sebastian, Wallflowers by Lisa Kleypas) Even though I kind of beat around the bush, waiting for the last second to complete this (seems to be the case every year with Yuletide), I love this world. I wasn't given any optional details to work with, so I took this as a license to kill, and placed them into the world I built for my 2011 NaNo, which is a place my head loves to be. It's just very easy and natural for me, and I know everything that happens.
Tune in for tomorrow!