I didn't want to end the year with that sad-sack entry from last night, so before I need to start getting ready for tonight's festivities, here is that meme from a couple of weeks ago that I had a lot of fun with. It was either going to be this or this Arrow fic I'm scribbling at (!) but it's not ready yet.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell
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Favorite character: Oliver. It's sort of my thing, my favorite is always the title character, but I'm pretty obsessed with Thea and Willa Holland's face, too.
Least Favorite character: My least favorite was Helena's father, and kind of Helena too. I think they were just really poorly cast.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I don't know if I have that many yet? Thea/Tommy, Oliver/Thea (I know), Moira/Walter, Laurel/Tommy (once again, I know), and Laurel/Oliver. (I guess I do have that many.)
Character I find most attractive: My goodness, Stephen Amell is a sin, he's so hot.
Character I would marry: Walter seems like a very good husband and father figure (if a little old for me). Oliver and Tommy both need to get their shit together a little (er...a lot).
Character I would be best friends with: I would probably love hanging out with Tommy- no drama.
A random thought: I feel like it's crazy early to say this, but I *really* hope that Thea and Tommy are a series endgame.
An unpopular opinion: Phew, what's popular at this point? I have no idea?
My canon OTP: Um...I guess Moira/Walter, are the thing I ship most strongly that actually exists at this point.
Non-canon OTP: Are we calling Thea/Tommy canon at this point? Off of Legacies, we are meant to understand that she always had a crush on him, right?
Most badass character: Oliver. I mean, come on.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Helena/Oliver
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Helena and her dad. They were just really bad casting choices.
Favourite friendship: My favorite overall relationship on the show is Oliver/Thea, but Oliver/Tommy is probably my favorite friendship (though I also love John/Oliver).
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Hmmm...I feel like minus all the corporate espionage-ish stuff, it probably wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be adopted by Walter Steele.
Oliver and Tommy both need to get their shit together a little (er...a lot). Haha. Yes, yes they do. But Tommy is seemingly trying. Oliver...has some issues (being Green Arrow) that you would have to be very understanding about. LOL.
Do not like Helena either. I never felt her. I understand why Oliver liked her because he didn't have to lie to her, but I feel like he just kind of disregarded his own safety (and John's...how I love) to try to help her which you knew was going to turn out bad. Ugh. And she'll probably be showing up again...
I also love Felicity (the IT girl)!
Oliver...has some issues Haha, you think?
Oh, I'm sure Helena will be back.
Oh, Felicity! I love her too! They need to find a way to engage her with the rest of the cast more.
I actually have thought about shipping Oliver/Felicity. Which is crazy, I know. But I just really do love her character and I love when they interact. I think she could really become his Mac...and I can see him being very protective of her. (But I think SA would have chemistry with a tree and I would probably ship that...lol.)
Oh, and I was marathoning season 1 of New Girl and I forgot that SA was Cici's boyfriend who got high on the shrooms. LOL.
I totally have to go rewatch that episode!
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