Tradition is tradition. Here comes the annual End of the Year Meme (this version stolen from
empressearwig, even though this might have been my most pitiful year, fandomwise.
Your main fandom of the year?
~Overall, it would definitely have to be Spartacus. I was literally losing my mind over it in the first quarter of the year, and then I spent all spring and summer working on my Naevia
Come Away To The Water.
Your favorite film you watched this year?
~Probably Warrior, which I technically saw last year (right after Christmas)? But ditto, then I went on a huge Tom Hardy binge over the winter. I spent a good deal of the summer and fall getting excited for Silver Linings Playbook, and I did adore it but it's kind of hard to get fannish over a movie (as in, getting other people to get excited at the same time as you).
earnmysong is really good at that though. I should take notes.
Your favorite book read this year?
~Holy shit, did I read at all this year? I seriously might not have. I don't even know what to say about myself now. Like, I reread stuff that I had read before, and I read two Nora Roberts books. That kind of sums up most of my fannish year- went for comfort, rather than style.
Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
~Well, Red and Born and Raised are biggies, for obvious reasons. The new Mumford & Sons album. And the acoustic version of Katy Perry's The One That Got Away. Oh, and also Jason Mraz's cheesy I Won't Give Up, which sent me into crying fits in public at different points this summer.
Your favorite tv show of the year?
Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
~Hmmm. What did I 'discover'? There was Downton Abbey for a bit, but I'm pretty sure I won't be all that into it next year. And then Hell On Wheels, which, ditto. Did I go nuts on anything completely new? I don't think so, honestly. I'm still on episode 2 of Nashville, even though I loved the two episodes I watched. Oh, I kind of wanted Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence to be a thing. Still kind of do.
Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
~Um, me? I really need to try new things next year. A lot.
Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
~Tom Hardy. Dustin Clare. And this guy, have I ever mentioned him?
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Your fandom girlfriend of the year?
~Naevia (no last name, like Cher), from Spartacus.
Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Hmmm...The last ten minutes of One Tree Hill. Kelly and Val's
contemporary (and like, every single one of their tweets). JASON KILLED OFF GENERAL HOSPITAL.
Monsters (ep 9 of Spartacus: Vengeance) was kind of one, huge long squee. Like, ten thousand things that I had wanted to happen all season happened there.
The most missed of your old fandoms?
~It feels weird to not have anything to be all that excited for over in General Hospital. I still have hopes for AJ/Elizabeth,'s hard to really hope for anything good for Elizabeth Webber. Sigh. And I'm going to desperately miss Gossip Girl.
The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
~Teen Wolf? I really *should* love it, in theory. And I want to watch The Carrie Diaries. I don't know if I'll ever be able to give up shows about teenagers. Oh, and Leverage. There always seems to be less pressure once the canon is closed. And Haven.
Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year?
~Do I even really need words?
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