We're Still Waiting For The Snow To Fall

Dec 29, 2011 12:19

So freaking much...

Okay, first thing's first! I hope everyone had a merry Christmas, happy holiday, and is looking forward to the new year (and any New Year's festivities). On the fic front, I know I dropped the ball big time on Advent this year, and I'm still determined to write all of those ficlets, but I'm not going to go promising a timeframe, because that usually doesn't work out so well. As far as Yuletide goes, I was kind of doing cartwheels on the final day, wondering if I would make it, but then I did, and I was unsure at first, but I ended up being pretty pleased with my final result. I took out all the parts that didn't make sense to me, and kept in the things that did and that helped.

Speaking of Yuletide, I got an absolutely wonderful Wendy Darling fic that was kind of every thought I'd ever had about that character. You know when you read a fic, and you are like, Yes. Exactly. That is what Yuletide has been like for me, every year. Love it so much.

Three Dinners and a Dance

Now, it's time for that End of the Year Wrap-Up Meme, this particular iteration ganked from freelancerrh:

Your main fandom of the year?
~Wow, this is going to be a mixed bag. I'd say consistently, I keep coming back to inappropriately hoping for Taylor Swift and John Mayer to fall back in love. That's kind of Thing 1. I spent the first few weeks of the year TALKING LIKE THIS ABOUT THE VAMPIRE DIARIES and then easily enough, that faded to the background. Friday Night Lights ended this year, which I still have not been able to bring myself to do a wrap-up post of (where to even begin...) but that show will always be my heart. I spent a great deal of time internalizing fandoms, and this happened with NaNo. I got completely wrapped up in Lisa Kleypas' world, and have created my own world in it, which I don't know if that's the same thing. And then I was far and away wrapped up in my Ethan/Kristina universe this summer, which has never seen the light of day, and probably never will. It was really great to fall back in love with soap operas this year, and then it broke my heart doubly when they failed me again (I haven't really mentioned it, but my current default icon is sort of in honor of all of that). We all were dying to be British for like a month, and then I wanted Jason Segel to be in love with Kristen Bell like burning. I mainlined Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl and I will go to the grave defending those two shows. Fell in love with the normalcy of How I Met Your Mother, and as always, there was swordfighting (Spartacus and Game Of Thrones) and half naked dancers.

Your favorite film watched this year?
~Hmmm...I really got wrapped up in Harry Potter, of course, but also Country Strong in the beginning of the year, and I just saw Warrior two nights ago and it was a great way to cap off the year for me.

Your favorite book read this year?
~Ummm...Did I read anything new this year? This is horrible...Maybe not? So I guess A Game Of Thrones by default?

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
~Well, Speak Now kind of became its own fandom to me this year (Taylor Swift), and also the whole Mumford & Sons album. Christina Perri's Arms was kind of the unofficial song for many of my NaNo couples, and I really loved Alejandro's voice from Boyce Avenue when I was writing in Ethan Lovett's head.

Your favorite TV show of the year?
~Overall show, definitely FNL. General Hospital still owns a piece of my soul, and when it was good this summer and spring (Ethina, and the last days of Brenda Barrett, and Guza, God help me), it was *amazing*.

Your favorite LJ community of the year?
~Am I a terrible person if I say my own journal? And not necessarily just my own, because I love myself and my own opinions so very much, but I think that things are always more interesting on our side conversations.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
~Hmmm...this is tricky, because I have a few new shows and stuff that I love, but I don't know what a 'discovery' would be, like a totally new thing.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
~The Good Wife. Maybe it had just been built up by others for too long? I don't know. I lost it after five or six episodes and never went back. I kind of feel stupid for not loving it.

Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
~Probably Jason Segel. I think he is the one I'd actually want to date, most of my other fandom dudes I love, because of the way I love them with a particular girl.

Your fandom girlfriend of the year?
~I think I put the most of myself into Kristina Davis.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
~"I'm gonna marry you someday." It's up there anyway. Taylor singing Ours for the first time. Val and Lacey dancing to Edge of Glory (DWTS). Lots of the 'Blair Square' scenes on GG. It's hard to pick an FNL moment, because I don't squee with that show as much as my heart bursts with love. Oh, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's double kiss on the palace terrace.

The most missed of your old fandoms?
~I wish more people were still into GG and Grey's. I miss the heart of FNL, and what GH used to be.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
~Hell On Wheels, though I suspect I will be the cheese standing alone once again.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
~I'm excited for my old favorites to come back, Spartacus and DWTS especially. Also to finally see what John has to say when Born And Raised is released. I'm hearing rumblings that Nathan might leave GH, and whispers of a rumor that the NuKristina plans have been scrapped and Lexi might be asked back to wrap up Ethan's storyline. One can only hope. And as odd as this is to say, I'm looking forward to New Girl making me cry.

Oooh. LJ works at my office again. This could be dangerous.


music, tv discussion, memes, books: a song of ice and fire, tv: general hospital, tv: new girl, tv: how i met your mother, book discussion, tv: dancing with the stars, tv: spartacus, books: lisa kleypas, tv: game of thrones, taylor swift, tv: gossip girl, tv: the good wife, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: vampire diaries, tv: friday night lights

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