Monday night tv was so good! Mondays are just going to be way too busy for me...
Tuesdays too. Now, right now, I have DWTS and Ringer both taping at the 9 o'clock timeslot tonight, and I wanted to add New Girl. I haven't even started Ringer yet...what to do...
DWTS is still at that awkward stage where I'm kind of cringing for people because they will just never be good, no matter how hard they try. And it sucks that the people I most want to stick around are paired with dancers I don't love, or vice versa. I'll bet it's Elisabetta gone tonight. Hopefully Val sticks around for *all* the results shows (with Lacey, oh I am going to be going nuts with them at Yuletide).
Hmm. Not what I expected. It didn't really feel like a Josh Schwartz show, and it didn't even really feel like a CW show. It felt like something CBS would put on Saturday nights. I mean, the fish-out-of-water is a JS staple, but usually those on the inside feel a bit sharper, crisper. It's not usually the outsider who is looking down his/her nose. (I'm comparing Zoe to Ryan Atwood and Dan Humphrey here.)
On the other hand, I am clapping my hand over my mouth and crying out with glee to see Scott Porter walking around, lifting damsels in distress with the greatest of ease, and fanning myself at his aw-shucks accent. So far, I can't really see a need for this Wade character- which probably means he will be my favorite in five or six episodes.
Oh my sweet, how I've missed your crazy ways...
GG is probably my most favorite show now, out of all those left on the air. Oh, last night was amazing. Blair! Is Pregnant! Oh, I'm so excited, not because I'm one of those CHUCK+BLAIR4EVRR kinds of shippers, but I'm just so pumped that they really did GO THERE. Now, they have to deal with it and I can't wait to see how it plays out.
I'm not so very excited about Serena's job in LA, because it's going to isolate her for a little while, and I don't really like when they do that.
Louis! Oh, I know everyone thinks that he's just useless, but I adore him. I love looking at Blair through his eyes. And Hugo Becker is fucking hot.
Dan. Is in LOVE. Chuck. Is Bella Swan. (Also in love, and also loving both of those boys still.)
Nate Archibald? I have to hand it to Chace Crawford, he has come a long way, and I think they have finally figured out that he gets a little boring when he's tortured but he actually has delightful comic chops.
Rolling along in my Fiercely Awesome Characters meme, or whatever I should be calling it, today, on the docket we have Angel. Now, it should be a surprise to no one that today's character is Cordelia Chase. The big theme of the characters I've chosen in *survival*, all of these ladies (and at least one gentleman, you'll see) has really learned to live through some huge tragedies, and still remained honestly good, brave people.
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*if you want to play, reply with "Fuck yes fierce ladies (and awesome dudes, too)" and I'll give you four fandoms. Write about your favorite fiercely awesome character from each fandom.