Excuse Me But Can I Be Here For A While

Apr 18, 2011 20:18

I actually fought a little writer's block today. Shocking myself. Just a little drabble, dipping into the old TNG 'verse. Gosh, I love this place.

Title: Nerve Damage
Fandom: General Hospital TNG
Characters: Lana, Spencer (NOT Lana/Spencer)
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 348
Author's Note: There are two people who know what's up in this world. You know who you are. empressearwig, this is off a prompt you gave me a long time ago.

“We’re not unalike, you and I.”

Spencer’s forehead was resting in his palms, as if it was far too heavy to lift. “Please go away, Lana.” Most people listened to him and obeyed without question. It was the prince thing. Lana Drake (Lana Spencer) was one of the very few exceptions.

She sat down next to him in the small plastic chair in the GH waiting room, neatly tucking the voluminous folds of her wedding gown under her. He could see that it had gone gray and dusty on the bottom. “Well, it’s still my day,” she said, matter-of-factly. “And I say I get to talk to you, even if you don’t want to listen to me.”

“I’m very sorry,” Spencer said, without emotion, looking straight ahead. “If I had known that Lila...” His voice broke, and he quickly sucked in his breath, setting his mouth in a hard line. He blinked very fast and Lana waited for him to continue. “I would have planned a more appropriate place.”

Lana fixed him with a hard stare. “Is that what you think? That you planned for this to happen? I have news for you, Prince Cassadine, you do not have that much control of the universe.” She softened slightly, and he turned away. “I know you think you always have to be a jerk, but you don’t, you know.” Lana followed the direction of his gaze to where Morgan was sitting across the room, much in the same position she’d found Spencer in. Kristina was sitting two seats away, just watching her brother, but it seemed he wasn’t ready to let anyone touch him.

“It doesn’t matter who planned this, whose...fault it is,” Spencer said quietly. He still refused to look at her. “Not if Lila...”

But Lana had enough and she forced his chin in his direction. “Stop it. Stop it with the tortured prince act. That might work with your brothers, but it’s never worked with me.”

fic: general hospital tng, fanfiction

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