At This Point In My Life

Mar 25, 2011 19:00

So...Here's some stuff.

I think the problem with my writing lately is...I don't know how to write. I mean, even when something is labeled as Gen, there's probably an element of something relationshippy in there, and...I don't remember how relationships work. Kissing. I don't remember what it feels like. It's been so long since I've kissed someone (let alone the rest...) It's been so long since I've had a date, let alone a *good date*, let alone a good *4th or 5th* date that might actually lead to something. Butterflies, attraction, I honestly can't remember any of that. Even pain, I'm so far removed from it.

So...there's that.

A couple of weeks ago, I posed a question to you all about plotting your fic, and a lot of you made a comment that you don't plot. LOL, it was almost like 'plot' was a dirty word. But I'd say by and large, the fabulous fic I see circulating around my f-list has plots. (Characters go places and do things; it's not just stuck in one person's head, pondering the meaning of life.)

I can't help but plot. I have so much more time to *think* about a story I want to write than I do to actually write (and when I get home, the writing just doesn't happen, for whatever reason). But yeah, zoning out at work, my commute, whatever, I'll just think of random stuff I'd want to see happen, either in a WIP or a totally new story. And usually these scenes I think of...something needs to lead up to it. Basically, I think of every story starting in the middle probably, and then I work myself into a dither trying to think of an appropriate beginning to get myself to that point.

And so...a Friday night meme, that I'm making up and I hope people will gak:

Give me a prompt and a pairing/character, and I will write up a drabble in the *middle* of whatever fic that might inspire. A missing scene, in other words.

Happy Friday. <<<333

tv discussion, real life, memes, fic: angel, fic: veronica mars, fic: crossover, fic: vampire diaries, tv: vampire diaries, tv: angel, writing discussion, tv: veronica mars, drabbles, fanfiction

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