I Had The Time Of My Life Fighting Dragons With You

Feb 18, 2011 21:04

Are there any OTP's for sale? I'm in the market for a new one.

For a long time, whenever asked, or whenever there was a shipping meme going around or whatever, I'd always say Brenda & Jax of General Hospital.

image Click to view

But...they're really not these characters any more. Not even a shell. Jax was introduced in 1996, and he is such a far cry from the fearless Aussie cowboy he was...Brenda has become a Bella Swan-like, irrelevant Mary Sue. And canon has shoved vomit-inducing dialogue down their throats, smashing to shit all of their history. I still look back on their earlier storylines, they're still resonant with me, they still hold a real magic, but...I think it's time for me to ultimately divorce my OTP. I've resolved them in my head as they are in empressearwig's TNG-'verse, and that's how they'll stay.

How do I move on? Is there PlentyOfOTP.com for this? (I guess that would be livejournal.com, no?) There's been lots of couples I've loved in my time here on LJ, but none have stuck with me for fifteen years.

Is it about length of time? Is it about how hard it hits you?

Are you all de-friending me now?

Haha. I'll let you know how my Search for my Next OTP is going, as I journey on...

In other 'news'...some of you may or may not know how excited I get about Eggs For Dinner on Friday nights. Here is my omelette recipe:

3 eggs
Olive oil
Pecorino cheese
2 or 3 baby potatoes
1 or 2 cloves of garlic
Toast/butter (optional)

I use baby red potatoes, or fingerling because those are the only kind I buy, but if you prefer to buy the big guys, go right ahead. I slice them into thin discs, so it probably is easier to use the smaller potatoes, but whatever you like.

Slice the potatoes into discs, and finely mince the garlic. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a fry pan, and when it's shimmering, lay the potato discs flat in the pan (I use a ten inch pan, it's pretty comfortable). They will take a couple of minutes to get nice and rosy-brown on each side. Towards the end, slide in your minced garlic (it doesn't take very long to brown at all, don't let it burn).

Take the pan off the stove and pour a little wine in (you all know I'm terrible with amounts, let's call it a little less than a quarter of a cup)- I honestly use whatever I have in the house. Red or white, it doesn't matter to me, but it probably is a little tastier with a dry white. With a red wine, you have pretty purple eggs. Your choice. If you're not used to cooking with alcohol, know that it's going to steam and hiss when it hits the pan. Don't panic. Put it back on the stove, turn down the heat a little and let the alcohol-y smell cook off.

While you were letting the potatoes brown (or before if you just want to have everything ready to go), scramble your eggs, and mix in a heavy dash of pepper (or less, if you don't love pepper), about two teaspoons of oregano and about one tablespoon of pecorino. When it's ready for the pan, pour it in and let it sit. Scrape the sides so it doesn't stick, and let it cook across the bottom. This can take a little while. When it's all cooked across the bottom, cover the top of the pan with a glass plate (that is *bigger* in radius than the pan) and flip it, to get to the other side. I...don't always get a good flip. Don't worry about it. Dump it all back in the pan and just have scrambled eggs, it tastes the same.

You can either make sandwiches with toast, or just have it along side.

There's my little Friday ritual (and drinking the rest of the wine...)

tv discussion, fic: general hospital tng, tv: general hospital, cooking

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