No Matter What

Jan 26, 2011 17:56

Sigh. Settling in for *another* Noreasta (that's how it's spelled in my mind. Hush.)

Good news: new FNL tonight!

Bad news: after tonight, only 2 left!

A meme, ganked from summerstorm:

Give me A) a fic title and a fandom OR B) two fic ideas that you think I will never, ever write and I'll ramble at you about how I'd write those stories, what they'd be like, what would happen in them, etc., not!fic style.

And another, ganked and modified from ciaimpala:

Give me the name of one of my ships. I’ll put my MP3 player on shuffle and give you a song.

Her original post was something about making graphics...I would if I could, but...

tv: dr. quinn medicine woman, music, tv discussion, boston, memes, fic: dr. quinn medicine woman, taylor swift, tv: grey's anatomy, fic: vampire diaries, fic: friday night lights, tv: vampire diaries, tv: veronica mars, fanfiction, tv: friday night lights

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