And now, some meme-age...

Aug 01, 2009 13:51

I think I’ll spam LJ today what do you guys think?

erinlyn98 posted 5 questions for me to answer. Leave me a comment and I’ll do the same for you!

1.) Your top 3 crossover ships
~Well, I LOVE crossove ships, so this is hard for me. But the ones where I’ve imagined entire realities, what happens and how they make it work are:
-Veronica Mars/Billy Riggins
-Angel/Veronica Mars/Mick St. John, because the two vamps practically exist in the same orbit anyway
-Julie Taylor/Chuck Bass (with a side helping of Tami Taylor/Mark Sloan)

2.) 3 Favorite Books
~I’m a pretty mixed bag. But of all time:
-Gone With The Wind (which I seriously need to do a re-read of, would anyone be interested in starting a book club?)
-Peter Pan
-Once An Angel, by Teresa Medeiros

3.) If you could have a superpower, what would you choose?
~This is probably very creepy, but I would have some sort of ability to hear other’s thoughts (ala Edward Cullen).

4.) If you were stranded on an island, name 3 things you would like to have.
~Without people or loved ones types of things, I guess:
-some way to write, whether it’s a pad of paper or a laptop (though I could probably figure out a way to unstrand myself with a computer)
-a guitar…I used to play and if I had nothing but time, I guess I would teach myself because I would need something to do
-my rosary beads…I’m not the most religious person, but I’ve had them on my bed since I was a baby, and they *do* make me feel safe.

5.) Your top 5 shows
~Of all time? Jeesh…
-Friday Night Lights
-Veronica Mars
-My So-Called Life
-General Hospital (even if I never watch a single second again)

tv discussion, memes, fic: crossover, book discussion

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