Aaaaand we're back...
Title: No Wisdom In Flying Under The Radar
Rating: r (Santiago swears a lot in this one)
Word Count: 1,247
Summary: It's not right, but sometimes it feels good to put a little fear in someone... (Part VI in the
Permission To Exist series)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
For the first time, he's not looking over at Julie Taylor every four seconds... )
Comments 16
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this is reaaalllyyyyy goood!!
He leans back in his chair and it’s like he physically senses when Julie Taylor is looking at him. She’s wearing something sort of low cut- how the hell does Coach let her out of the house like that- and she’s got some sort of lip gloss stuff on. It makes him stare at her mouth, and that’s already getting him in trouble. She smiles at him, and his stomach does a little flip and he just turns back to the boys at the table.
But that didn’t go unnoticed. “I mean it, Five-Nine,” Riggins says, all joking aside.
Saracen’s staring at him good and hard. If he wasn’t paying attention before, he sure is now.
This whole last part is still one of my favorite parts...hehe, way to go Tim...let everyone know why don't you?
Great job, hon! :)
Hee, you're really loving Tim/Julie lately, arentcha?
Although, what I'm really craving are some good Tyra/Timmy scenes...I'm tired of Tyra only having scenes with Landry. I miss Tyra/Tim! :)
Also, in some future installment, I would really appreciate seeing the party-boy from the English class interact with Santiago, Matt, Riggins, or some combination thereof. Not to ask for too much--
Not too much to ask for, at all. In fact, it's totally coming. This show is making it so easy for me to fill Santiago's thoughts, though I totally have other ideas that are all mine, that I need to get to, at some point.
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