Jun 22, 2006 14:24
A - Available? yep
A - Age: 57
A - Annoyance: inability to concentrate at work
B - Best friends? Martha, Margaret, Kevin and Gena
B - Bar: the one at Coral Sands was great
B - Birthday? December 14
C - Celebrity crush: Johnny Depp
C - Car: 2003 Toyota Camry Solara convertible (red, what else?)
C - Cat's name: Bailey the Meezer and Bella
D - Dead pets' names: Sara, Elinore, Philby, Karli, Greyson, and Martina
D - Dad's name: Ardery
D - Dog's name: Tiggy
E - Easiest person to talk to: Martha
E - Eggs: over easy
E - Email: can't live without it
F - Favorite color? blue
F - Food: vegetarian
F - Foreign slang: liming
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: neither
G - God: He's out there but He must be slacking off where I'm concerned
G - Good time: any time spent under a palm tree
H - Hair color: real or chemical?
H - Height: 5'4"
H - Happy: yes and no
I - Ice cream: Edie's Grand Lite
I - Instrument: can't play 'em, but there's a piano in my living room and a guitar under my bed
I - Idol: Several Hindu ones in the kitchen
J - Jewelery: love it (especially rings and bracelets)
J - Job: it pays the bills but I loathe it
J - Joke: my life
K - Kids: one (who isn't really a kid anymore)
K - Karate: they made some bad movies about it
K - Karaoke: not on your life
L - Longest car ride: to PEI
L - Longest relationship: 20 years
L - Longest hair length: just below my shoulders (many moons ago)
M - Milk flavor: duh...chocolate
M - Mother's name: Hazle
M - Movie last watched: Glory Road
N - Number of siblings: 1
N - Northern or Southern: Southern
N - Name: Kathie
O - One wish?: it won't come true, so never mind
O - One phobia?: snakes
O - Otter Pop: never had any
P - Parents, are they married or divorced: married 44 years before my dad died
P - Part of your appearence you like best: none
P - Part of your personality you like best: the funny part
Q - Quote: I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.
Q - Question for the next person: what next person? no one reads this
Q - Quick or slow?: depends on what you're talking about here; been dying a slow death for the last year and a half; on the other hand, things are transmuting much too quickly
R - Reason to smile: I'm still above ground
R - Reality TV show: "Dancing with the Stars" and "Skating with Celebrities" were okay, but as a rule I've got no use for them
R - Right or left: right (if handedness is what you're after here rather than political leaning)
S - Song last heard: Jimmy Buffett's "Schoolboy Heart"
S - Season: Fall
S - Sex: been there, done that, guess I'm not gonna be doing it anymore
T - Time you woke up: 8:00
T - Time for bed: after midnight, usually
T - Talkative?: just try and shut me up
U - Unknown fact about me: I wrote a commercial for the Muppets when I was in fourth grade -- and it was on TV!
U - Unicorns?: green alligators and long-necked geese
U - You are?: alone
V - Vegetable you hate: brussell sprouts
V - Vegetable you love: peas
V - View on politics: all over the map
W - Worst habit: procrastination
W - Where are you going to travel next? Charleston, SC
W - Weight: more than enough
X - X-rays: last done on my reconstructed right foot
X - X-rated Porn: hate it
X - X-tra special someone: Katie!
Y - Year you were born: 1948
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow?: sunshine
Z - Zoo animal: tigers
Z - Zodiac: Saggitarius
Z - Zoolander? what the world needs now is NOT more Ben Stiller