let me tell you a little bit about my life

Jul 12, 2010 12:27

Going up north was everything I wanted it to be, a nice 4 days to myself and a little bit of everything in between. The first day I left with my Aunt Betsy and Grandma and literally hit every Goodwill and St vincent de paul in every town on the way up, I found a cute dress, a pink sparkly lamp and a few other trinkets, some cute earrings and such. We finally got to the bridge and then stopped right after in St. Ignace, it was such a beautiful day that day and we had some chinese and checked out some motels on lake Michigan! We finally picked one and I stole a cheap ridiculous little love story novel from my grandmas collection she was buying on the way up from each goodwill called "On Shadow Beach" by Barbara Freethy.I walked along lake Michigan with my book and a towel and found a nice spot to sit and read for awhile. On the way to the beach I threw my favorite flip flops onto a different balcony than mine, and lost them =( I walked back with no shoes and that was a little rough but totally worth it, lake Michigan was like walking through bath water most of the time. We spent the night in the hotel and got up bright and early, and by that I mean 5:30, way too early for me to be up on vacation! we left and I failed in trying to get my flip flops back. We then went to meet my cousin Taren at her mom's house right off foxy's on the corner of the Garden peninsula. 3 hour trip to there I just read my cheesy book and by then i'm totally hooked up in this story about two sisters, and the younger gets murdered in their small town and the older sister's boyfriend is the main suspect in the killing, but of course there are twists and turns that make it more interesting. We meet up with my Cousin Taren, her friend Jordan Taylor and then my aunt and her boyfriend Dave. It was my first time there so I was just shown around and put my junk down, We just pretty much chilled and napped and hung outside and ate the rest of the night, we had a bonfire but everyone passed out pretty early. The next day I woke up to a beautiful morning and not one cloud in the sky! We put our bathing suits on and covered ourselves in crazy amounts of 4 different kinds of OFF bug spray and headed to the back woods to pick wild blueberries and raspberries, they were everywhere and so little and good! When we got back to the house we made pancakes with wild blueberries and raspberries, it was delicious! my cousin Taren was stripping and painting her then pink Buick to black because she was beginning to hate all the attention the pink sparkly car was bringing her from the police. Jordan and I went to Tylene's Motel and spent some time on the beach of Lake Michigan, we then headed down to Garden to my Cousins bar called D&J's on the bay,it's a cute little bar in a cute little town where everyone in it is somehow related to me or my cousin. I ate fish and chips and it was the freshest yummiest fish ever! Afterwards we visited my 87 year old Aunt lois who has like 14 kids who live across the street, it was sweet, she remembered me and kissed my cheek. Afterwards we headed down the peninsula more down to the Fayette state park and walked along the cliffs and rocky shores of the Lake, walked through the Ghost town and all the empty buildings, which were old and cool. Jordan my aunt and I then went to Kitch-Ti-Kipi which is a series of springs, it was the clearest prettiest water I'd ever seen with the biggest Rainbow trout, the water was around only 45 degrees and you wouldn't ever be able to swim in it longer than a minute or so. We left and came back to D&J's where my cousins had some drinks and we met up with some other friends from Taren's past and went to the all school reunion in Nahma. Where I had a couple indian bread pieces and they were so good! after we left the reunion we met more people that i'm related too haha, i'm related to everyone up there. We played some pool at the hotel inn and checked out the empty rooms upstairs, where you could still rent rooms but I guess are said to be haunted. We went home and by then it was pitch black, the sky was so clear and the stars were sooo amazing! they seemed closer and bigger and brighter since it's really all winlderness up there and no city lights or street light to light anything up. I went to bed and got up and helped my cousin tape off her windows and letters on her car so that it could be painted black. We went to Lake Michigan for a coupe hours to let the paint dry and Jordan and I went out really far but kept hitting sand bars, it would be up to our neck then we'd walk up a sand bar up to our ankles and sit down, it was crazy and really fun! we all washed our hair in the lake and left for the trip home! took us 6 hours to get home and I finished my book on the way, just ate a ton of junk food in the back seat with Taren's dog Maggie. It was a fabulous and fun time! I love seeing family and just being in such a beautiful place, but i'm really glad I didn't bring my cell phone or get online while I was up there, it was really nice to be disconnected and away from everything in my life. I thought a lot while I was up there, especially about the weekend before I left and certain people and I decided that I have my faults but I love the person that i'm becoming, I work hard in school and have goals and I also work hard at Coldstone working 5-6 days a week, even working a couple doubles a week, I try to spend as much time as I can with the people that I love all while spending my free time being young and having fun, and didn't appreciate some of the things that were said to me via text message, they were foolish and if that's truly how anyone feels about me then I guess I don't need you or anyone that may think like that about me in my life, you truly don't know me at all and that is what upset me so much those few days after. I'm off to take a quick nap and shower because we get Qued today at work and i am not excited about it but confident that we will do good on it, i'm working with great people tonight!
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