Today is the 2nd Friday of the month, which means only one thing to me -
free wine, free beer and free art. And I finally had the chance to go the
Hearne Art Gallery for the first time (it's very difficult to make it to all of the galleries in one night) and we met the feature artist of the month. Kewl! It was great to see so many people out at 2nd Friday Art Night and I met quite a few out-of-towners that were very excited that LR hosted such an event.
After 2nd Friday, we ventured over to Gaucho's Grill (or carnivore's heaven), which again was another first for me. We both had the Brazilian Bar-B-Q, which consists of all-you-can-eat-meat. Chicken, pork, steak, turkey, and lamb - carved right at your table, anyway you like, and as much of it as you can take. A first, but definitely not a last.